Sunday, September 10, 2023


IT'S HOT.  Nuff said.

This is last weekend's big meal.

2nd Man made everything from scratch.  Homemade corn tortillas, Mexican rice, charro beans, and the star of the show, pork carnitas.  Oh, even the pico de Gallo was homemade.  SO. Good.

It has been our tradition the last few years to have this meal on Memorial Day weekend and again on Labor Day weekend.  Sort of a start and end to Summer.

This weekend, Hobart has moved from the table and quilt to his afghan on one of his cushions in his favorite sunspot overlooking the balcony.  Notice we said HIS afghan and HIS cushions and HIS favorite spot.
That's because...



  1. Your meals always look so darned good! Way to go, 2nd man aka The Chef!
    Just the look on Hobart's face ... cracks me up! You know he refers to you two guys as "peasants" don't you?
    Hopefully it is going to cool off a bit for everyone! It is up here in Colorado!

  2. That meal is restaurant quality. And homemade-from-scratch! 2nd Man out-did himself.
    And you took a beautiful picture of it.
    Hobart is looking his usual, very-comfy, regal self.

  3. That is lots of work (and love) in that meal! Also, lots of expertise-look at those tortillas!
    Hobart is his usual gorgeous self—and of course deserving of everything he gets!

  4. That is what makes for a Good meal; when things are made with love.
    Not a good recipe/ meal if a person doesn't throw in a little bit (or a Lot of love) in with it.
    Have a wonderful evening along with a great and safe week.

  5. The meal looks delicious! __anne in the kitchen


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