Saturday was...

Absolutely gorgeous!
Not a cloud in the sky and it was cool and a breeze was blowing. No rain, no rain last week so the ground was dry, the humidity was low and it was just, well, perfect.
Wished I had Zen Machine 2 but it's in the shop for its annual checkup and touch up. He'll be ready for his closeup first mow of the season soon.
So, I decided to do something I wanted to do last year and didn't get to. Repotting/touching up all the potted plants on the porch. We keep the bananas there, the avocado trees, grapevines and a few others, just because we don't want to put them in the ground until we know exactly where they are going to go.
I bought a couple of bags of soil and got to work. You know how when you water a plant in a container, over time, the soil settles and/or washes out (a little at a time) from the bottom? They were all like that and we decided they needed a refresh.
This is the "Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow" plant (we blogged about it HERE). We decided it needed a new pot so we moved it into a nice clay pot (don't worry, it's not sitting on the railing now, that was for the photo, ha). It will much happier now and should have some beautiful (and very fragrant) blooms soon.
These are the two muscadine grapevines (two varieties), took them out of their containers, fluffed up the roots, added soil in the bottom and then put them back in and filled in and around up to the top. The should be happy as well. They will most likely get a new home in the orchard area this Spring, we will be ordering new containers (very large ones) to be placed in the orchard yard.
These are the bananas, I pulled them all out, cleaned them up and put them back in with added soil and getting them happy. They have grown so much just in these small containers. Banana is a plant that will get bigger according to its container but if you keep it in something small, it doesn't get root bound like some do, so they stay small(ish). The three colored pots are different (but known) varieties. The two black pots are from my coworkers family house backyard bananas. Varieties "unknown", ha.
We are going to put them in a special planting arrangement we'll have a post about coming up soon.
I did the same for the avocado trees, the other cherry bush, and the goji berry vine. All the plants are now redone and are going to be happy and healthy until they can each get in their new homes.
Birds were chirping.
There was a breeze blowing.
We could smell the bloom of flowers.
Cows were mooing in the pasture behind us.
We could hear a donkey braying in the other pasture.
Life is good...
If we ever have doubts about what we are doing and what our ultimate goal is, these are the days that remind us of it and make us strive all the more to keep moving forward, no matter what life hands us.