Saturday was beautiful at the farm. Cool, clear, and perfectly breezy.
Sunny and clear day |
Alas, it was pretty wet. Last week we had about 3 inches of rain, mostly Wednesday and Thursday and with the cool temperatures, there just really wasn't any way for it to evaporate.
Needless to say I couldn't do much in the way of yard work. Not that is a lot to do but I would like to edge a bit and I need to mow down the dormant weeds. I always like to use one mow each Winter to clear some new areas and paths. But there will be time for that, lots of more weekends until the Spring.
Burn pile |
While we were outside, we saw this smoke not too far away. Always makes us nervous (especially in the dry months) but turns out, according to some neighbors online, it was a very large burn pile. I guess they were taking advantage of the damp conditions to burn debris.
Garden update:
Raised bed garlic |
One bed of garlic...
Raised bed garlic |
And the other...
They are progressing right on schedule and the rain has been really good for them.
Raised bed Napa cabbage |
Here is the Napa cabbage, growing well but a bit behind in where it was this time a couple of seasons ago when we planted it. Hoping for some cabbages in a few more weeks.
Raised bed collard greens |
Here are the collards, they are perfect.
Collard greens harvest |
Of course we got another nice harvest and we're getting about this much every week now. In the future we might grow more by moving this to the larger bed for the Fall garden. This is, after all, a test each season to see what does well for us. Collard greens are one of those for sure.
Every season we like to ask, for those both new and old to the blog, any good recipes, storage tips, yummy uses for lots of collard greens?