Wednesday, February 19, 2025
Monday, February 17, 2025
Sunday, February 16, 2025
Saturday, February 15, 2025
Friday, February 14, 2025
Regular readers know that I have a favorite place to look for bargains...our downstairs trash area! Our building has trash chutes on every floor, and they feed into a separate room, but for boxes and other things that people can't put in the chute, there is an area (indoor) near the loading dock where people can put the things they don't want. I've found quite a few cool items over the last few years.
It's in perfect shape and looks almost new. It's a good solid metal, not rickety or anything like that and it's tall, almost 30" high. We're not sure how to use it, we were thinking fruits? Or maybe veggies like onions or garlic in the coming pantry? Again, we are never sure why someone gets rid of something but hey, we'll use it for something, and it does scream FARM doesn't it?
Wednesday, February 12, 2025
We save our chicken carcasses when we get some rotisserie chicken or when we roast our own and toss them in the freezer. Then, we get them out and boil them. 2nd Man did this the other day but I wasn't there to get before photos.
He puts them in a stock pot and covers with water and boils for about 3 hours, on low.
Monday, February 10, 2025
We had our first freeze of the season about a month ago (see below) and then...
...worrying from afar in the city while obsessively checking the temps at the farm with our weather apps and then dealing with, unfortunately, a few burst pipes (above from a couple years ago) and plants and trees that did not make it.
That's when we realized, we won't have to do ANY of that this year and perhaps ever again.
No crawling under the house to wrap pipes, no driving out at lunch before the cold front hits to start dripping water, no worrying during the week while we're in town and wondering what we'll find when we drive out.
We took steps to make sure the new house is also as Winter protected as it can be for NEXT year and onward, when we are living out there.
Also, all pipes in the house will be PEX. Much safer in freezing weather than regular PVC.
Being a Texas builder, the company also builds them to be as resistant as possible to freezing temps. That being said, they keep the majority of the pipes on inside walls and not in the attic. We're moving our water heater to the garage so it's not up there and that means no water pipes moving through the attic space. We are also having any pipes in outside walls to be double insulated. They also use spray foam throughout that has one of the highest R factor ratings (keep the heat out in the Summer and the cold out in the Winter).
Here is another thing we changed: we asked them to install special hose bibs on the outside that are freeze proof. They are from a company called Aquor. It's like having a water hydrant on your house. You attach a special connector to the end of your hose and then when you need to connect, you just flip it up and twist it in or out. When nothing is connected, the water stays inside of your house with nothing on the outside. They market them as "freeze proof", so we shall see. We figured it was one more extra layer of freeze protection that we could do.
For the plants, well, we'll be there to cover them as needed and of course there will be heated spaces we can bring them into. We'll also have a garage and a barn where we can plug in a small heater as needed. But we're working on other plans for them as well...*greenhouse*. 😉
But for THIS Winter worries. It's kind of refreshing for a change, ha.
Sunday, February 9, 2025
Friday, February 7, 2025
Regular readers know that I have a favorite place to look for bargains...our downstairs trash area! Our building has trash chutes on every floor and they feed into a separate room, but for boxes and other things that people can't put in the chute, there is an area (indoor) near the loading dock where people can put the things they don't want. I've found quite a few cool items over the last few years.
Saw these two little miniature roses that were in a window box sort of thing that was broken. There were also some pots sitting around that someone threw away. I couldn't let the roses go in the trash so I gently dug them up and grabbed a container...
I brought them upstairs, got my potting soil and planted them side by side in a large container.
I watered them down and they are happy! We put them outside on sunny days to recharge. One even has a bud on it, hope it blooms so we can "discover" what color at least one of them is, ha.
Second chance at life for them and flowers for us! Just in time for Valentine's Day!
It's a win/win!
Wednesday, February 5, 2025
Here's a fun gift 2nd Man got from one of my dear coworkers.
It's called a Nana Hat (as seen on Shark Tank). They sell them HERE on Amazon.
It works because bananas produce ethylene gas as they ripen and the cover over the stem end keeps them from absorbing the gas so they stay fresher longer. You stretch the silicone cover over the stem end of the bunch. There is a magnet in the end and once that is done, you put the cover on so it has some pizazz!
Practical AND cute!
They make other animals of course, dogs, pandas, octopus, unicorn, etc but I mean, come on, every banana needs an actual monkey watching over them, am I right?
By the way, these bananas had the cover on them for 5 days, sitting on the counter and they still looked good! I think we can say this works, ha!
Once we have bananas growing (hopefully) at the farm, we might just have to have several of these!
Monday, February 3, 2025
OK, that was a play on words, as you'll soon see, but I also didn't know that this should have been on my bucket list anyway, ha. Wow was it ever fun!
This happened a couple of months ago when we had the clearing done but I forgot to post it and with the holidays, I figured I'd wait until the new year.
So, I'm standing around talking to the owner of the company that was doing the clearing, he mentions that he climbs trees and is up in the air all the time cutting branches, etc and not working in an office. Then, he asked me if I'm afraid of heights. I thought it was just the natural course of a conversation and discussing our jobs. I was honest and said, "yeah, a little". And then he goes, "oh, well I was going ask if you wanted to ride up in the bucket and see your property from up there?"
Whoa, wait, WHAT?
"I'm not THAT scared of heights..."
This was the truck. He had to get me strapped into a safety harness, I climbed in and he locked me in with more safety harnesses, put a hardhat on me and said "if you get freaked out, just give me the thumbs down and I'll bring you back down".
He pushed the button, and I started going up!
Check out these views!
The barn/shed looking toward 2nd Family's house and their property which butts up against our front yard.
This is looking to the next door neighbor's property where the donkeys sometimes come to visit.