Now THIS is a day we enjoy because you can avoid the crowds! Here it is, the "online" equivalent of "Black Friday".
Cyber Monday is when we do much of our shopping. Shopping online is so much easier, no crowds, quite often free shipping, and now we love using AMAZON PRIME. We have personally had Amazon Prime for over a year now. It offers free shipping on tens of thousands of items, no more trying to make the amount add up to a certain level (currently $35 or more). You can literally order something for $2 or $3 and that's it, you don't pay shipping AND it gets to most places in 2 days (sometimes same day shipping in certain zip codes). There are a lot of other features, including all of the great unlimited streaming movies and TV shows they have, you get a free kindle book download every month (one book out of four or five new releases), you can borrow books (like the library), over a million songs on ad free radio stations, Prime Pantry, and much more. But let's be honest, we love the free shipping the best, ha.
We also love eBay, Etsy, iTunes for gifts and all the other usual suspects. It's always fun to try to find something unique as well, something vintage, something someone collects, a hard to find item. Those can make the best gifts.
Do you have any websites for fun and/or unusual places you recommend for shopping?
Of course, I am not ashamed to admit I don't mind receiving gift cards. How do you all feel about gift cards? Do you like getting them for people and/or receiving them?
Do you have any websites for fun and/or unusual places you recommend for shopping?
Of course, I am not ashamed to admit I don't mind receiving gift cards. How do you all feel about gift cards? Do you like getting them for people and/or receiving them?
~Have fun online shopping today~