The Day After Christmas (not our mess but similar, ha) |
So we trust everyone had an awesome Christmas? Did you get everything you wanted? We had a nice, quiet weekend. Alas, the weather down here was rainy and cold and damp, ALL weekend long. It started raining Friday afternoon, and didn't stop until Monday afternoon. It wasn't a torrential downpour, just one of those dreary, slow, rains that keeps it kind of dark all day long. We didn't even get to make a trip out to the farm. With no central heat out there, the inside would have been uncomfortable, and with the rain, there was nothing I could do outside...so we spent Christmas in town.
Remember when I posted about opening presents Christmas Eve or Christmas morning? Well, we waited until close to midnight and started. We combined the two. After all, 12:01am IS Christmas morning, right? LOL!
Lots of "farm related" gifts exchanged, though we kept ourselves to a limited budget this season since we did buy the property and house this year.
It's the "Jaw Saw" by Worx. Also got the long pole extension for trimming branches way up high. I can't wait to try it out! There is a lot of tree trimming that needs to be done and this should work well. The first thing I'm going to do is try and eliminate THIS TREE that we lost a few weeks ago. It still lays in that spot, me not having the tools to deal with it. I know we own a farm when my gifts have now shifted from high tech electronics and computer toys, to tools and machines to use outside. There's nothing wrong with that at all. Somewhere though, Santa missed the beekeeping equipment, hmm, I'm going to have to have a talk with him about that.
2nd Man's gifts were the same as always, cool cooking tools and equipment, only now I get to buy them for him to use out at the farm!
We spent the day after Christmas looking at our gifts and cleaning up the paper and empty boxes...once, of course, the cats had tired of their "playground".
All in all, it was a great weekend, and we hope that you all got everything you wanted and more!