Here is the project taking up my spare time the last couple of days.
It's an old dresser we had that was green (sorry all you color green fans, ha) and we needed it in the bedroom which is blue and white. So I cleaned it up and got out the cans of spray paint.
Dresser being painted |
I sprayed it a navy blue. It was a pretty easy process. The dresser itself was easy as it didn't really require any covering, I just removed the drawers and painted. It took several coats, spray, let dry, spray again, but it wasn't bad. Side note, I love painting at the farm, I can just plop it down in the yard and paint away, no worries of over spray getting on something "nearby".
Dresser drawer being painted |
The drawers required a bit more preparation. I got out some painters tape and a trash bag (hey, it's all I had on hand at the time) and covered everything but the front and edges. Sprayed them as well. Then came the hardest part. I knew for weeks I would be painting this blue but I could NOT find the right knobs. I went everywhere looking for them. There are six, two on each drawer and it seems every time I found a style that might possibly match, there would only be two, or three, or five. Ugh.
Blue and white comforter |
This is why they had to be JUST right. I wanted something that matched this comforter set that we got last Fall. It is the focal point of the bedroom and what everything is being decorated around so I figured that eventually, the perfect knobs would find their way to me.
Blue/white ceramic knobs from Hobby Lobby |
Today, on a whim, we stopped in a Hobby Lobby in a part of town we don't normally go to, and found these! I think they are a pretty perfect choice don't you? They are ceramic, a nice size, have a hand painted look to them, and best of all, they were 50% off. Oh, and guess how many they had? SIX!
I'll finish it up this week and post pics of it in it's new home. For now I'm basking in the glow of a shopping mission accomplished!