Sunday, January 15, 2023


Sunday again.  Is this year going to go by faster than last year?  Sure seems like it.

We've posted before about the jalapeños we've put up and last week we posted HERE about the bacon we also put up in the freezer.  Well, we used some jalapeños to mix into scrambled eggs.  2nd Man made some homemade bread that we toasted and put the eggs on top of that.  Finally, we topped it all with some of the bacon we had put up a few weeks ago.

It was definitely a good and satisfying breakfast.

And here is Hobart.  Just hanging around.  Notice his blanket on the sofa table he sleeps on.  He sometimes prefers the arm of the couch.  Because...


And here is a visitor passing through the front yard.  So pretty.  The new trailcam is taking some good pictures but the night pics are still not we had hoped.  There is a learning curve and I just need to figure out the proper settings so that they look better.

Hope you all had a great weekend!


  1. Your breakfast looks delicious!! Hugs to Hobart!

  2. Deer are such beautiful creatures aren't they? Love that. You know, some people on TikTok have videos where the deer come and eat out of hand. Hope you get to experience that. Janie V

    1. We've seen some of those videos. That would be awesome. They are beautiful indeed.

  3. what a great looking breakfast.
    I guess Hobart got plum tired from standing in the corner.
    What a beautiful deer photo. Thanks 4 sharing.
    Have a great evening

    1. Thank you, it was good and filling. The new camera is taking good daytime pics. Working on the night vision ones, ha.

  4. A delicious weekend breakfast! Mmm, homemade bread and bacon – always great ingredients in any meal.
    Hobart has the most creative sleep positions! “Hanging around” – ha ha!
    Gorgeous picture of the deer!

    1. Thanks, homemade bread is the best. Well, bacon is the best. Together they are the best, ha. He sleeps like this in that spot all the time. We always say it looks like he's holding on in case the couch flips, ha. Aren't deer so pretty?


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