Friday, October 6, 2017


Hammock trees
These are two of the trees in the recently cleared "mini forest" area at the farm. This picture was taken before I was finished cleaning out the area, but it was the only one I had from this angle with these two trees.  I measured last weekend and they were the perfect distance apart for a hammock!

We can't wait to find the right one and set it up. There are all types of hammocks available so we just need to get one that fits the space and looks right at the farm.  We're thinking something colorful.  Stripes perhaps?  You know how we are about color at the farm...we'll take it wherever we can get it!

Dang, now I wonder how much work I'll actually get done with a shady hammock calling my name on a hot Summer day...


  1. Perfect area for a hammock.

    hammock tree hanging kit;jsessionid=2xDyFlYKqsytwlzfnMFI0o6uInQm7dULRE0c49ckJ1vQ7ZogGX0G!1185549121?bc=10708|10853|10859,/type,/2032/subcat.html?CID=247234&KID=43700010599734400&TID=KEYWORDSEARCH&TRACK=PSGGL&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIirDWsJnc1gIVErXACh1ohwmREAMYASAAEgJN5_D_BwE


  2. I love your hammock trees! And they are in the perfect place. Weekend naps in a hammock in the country - bliss!

  3. I have a hammock with a stand on my deck. I have used it exactly once. The weather is always too hot or too cold or something else is too something. I need to get over the "toos" and use my hammock when it cools off.


  4. That is perfect! If you get one with pillows, my neighbor did too. Squirrels and various critters tore up the pillows. If you need a nap,take it.

  5. 1st Man,

    This is a perfect setup!!! Now all you need is a large picture of iced tea :-)


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