Sunday, April 14, 2024


 It's been a good weekend.  Lots of little projects done and some resting.  Oh, and good food with Hobart doing his share of resting too.

First, the good food:

2nd Man pan seared salmon (you know we're all into fish now, ha).  This was so good.  He seared it and then served it over these wonderful "harvest grains" mix that we enjoy (a heart healthy blend of couscous, split baby garbanzo beans and red quinoa).  We drizzled it with coconut aminos (our new favorite substitute for soy sauce) and some broccoli microgreens.


Hobart had no projects to do but he did a lot of resting for sure.  This is one of his favorite front of the refrigerator (warm air blowing out from it) and he rests his head on the mat in front of the stove.  Is he in the path of activity in the kitchen?  Yes.  Do we let him and step over and around him?  Of course!  Because...



  1. I am sure some people would like such food but not I, I do not like sea food at all

  2. OH MY GOD it's like you get restaurant quality food every day. I believe 2nd Man missed his calling if he's not a chef! Janie V

  3. I use to like quinoa, but not for long! I would like it if made by someone like your Chef hubby! Never heard of split baby chickpeas! Your meals always look so delicious!
    I am working on a fresh loaf of bread 🍞 for this coming week! It has a couple of rises to go first!

  4. That looks and sounds like a healthy meal. My son liked to sleep in front of the refrigerator. He would get out of his baby bed and go sleep in front of the refrigerator. Maybe he is related to Hobart.

  5. Another gourmet quality meal from 2nd Man! Yum!
    Hobart knows all the best places for a warm nap.


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