Thursday, June 20, 2024


2nd Man loves to make a hearty chicken soup loaded with vegetables.  With us eating healthy, he is making more and more soups like this where we can control the ingredients we use (or not use, ha).

He usually tells me to just pick up whatever vegetables you want to have in it.  Onions, corn, green beans, mushrooms, greens...

Butternut squash, celery, carrots...

Yellow squash, zucchini, garlic and little potatoes.

2nd Man roasted some chicken, no salt, just pepper and some seasonings, spritz of olive oil spray on each one.  After the roasting is done, he removes the skin and throws it away.  We did some research and found leaving the skin on adds flavor not fat, as long as you remove it before eating.  

No sodium homemade chicken broth and water, cooking all the veggies until done...

To serve, we put chunks of chicken in the bottom...

...and then ladle in the broth and vegetables.

So good and so filling and so satisfying.  Definitely healthy for the heart AND the soul.


  1. That soup/stew looks fantastic and so delicious! It reminds me of a low country boil without the crawfish added! Curious that you add the chicken to the bowl, but not in the pot with the veggies when cooking everything!

  2. Boy that soup looks good!

  3. What a savory looking soup. Nothing better than a nice bowl of homemade soup.
    I don't add quite that many veggies in mine. (lots of time I will use a bag of the frozen veggies) I cook my chicken, skin and all in homemade chicken stock. Once the chicken is done, I scoop out the chicken, put in a bowl, strain the stock and then set the stock in fridge for it to cool and next morning I skim the fat off the top and cook my veggies in the same stock and add my chicken and when it's good and hot I add some pasta; either extra wide noodles,, or bowties, or the corkscrew pasta for a little bit of extra filling with cornbread on the side.
    May you both have a wonderful weekend and stay safe.

  4. This is the type of soup my mother use to make

  5. It looks delicious. I wanted to make something similar, but Tommy objected to putting chicken in vegetable soup. I will do it instead of asking. He will eat it.

    1. Linda; you could use left over pot roast in place of the chicken and use beef or vegetable stock in place of chicken stock

  6. You can almost call that chicken stew. Yummy.

  7. That looks like everything but the kitchen sink soup. Looks delicious! :)

  8. A delicious and healthy soup! I love vegetables and I love the beautiful variety you had in your soup.
    My supper tonight was almost entirely from my garden. I made a stir fry from the fresh vegetables and also some frozen-from-my-winter-garden veggies. The only non-garden item was some protein. Picking and cooking my home-grown supper makes me happy!

  9. I make my own chicken stock too whenever I have a rotisserie chicken carcass. I use everything, including the skin, with rough chopped onion, celery, carrot, peppercorns and a bay leaf. No salt! Add it all to the slow cooker and cook over night. I use a fine mesh strainer to remove the solids and my gravy separator to defat it (removes the fat from the skin but leaves the flavor). You could also just cool it in the fridge and then remove the fat cap but I usually don’t have the room. We like to say, “everything but the cluck, baby!”

  10. That’s one BIG soup, they don’t kid around when they say things are bigger in Texas ! :-) Rj


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