Tuesday, March 11, 2025


A few weeks ago, we had our driveway disaster.  Not something we planned for or anticipated, neither did the builder, but hey, things happen!

This is what it looked like shortly after.  A mess to say the least, ha.  No way that concrete trucks or anything else was getting down this driveway.

A couple of weekends ago I went out and this is what it looked like before they started.  It was dry but still a mess.  They started working a week ago.  We couldn't go out during the week to take pictures, but to quote "J" from 2nd Family, "they worked their butts off", ha.

This picture was sent by the builder as they were working on it.  First, they scraped it down and leveled it, then put a layer of lime, which dries and stabilizes the ground under the upper layers of the driveway.  Then it was sand/soil and then gravel.

We went out Saturday to see it.  No one can drive on it for about a week while it settles and hardens, so we parked at one end and walked to the other end.

They ended up raising it up about 6 inches or so.  It's hard to tell in this photo, but it's pretty neat seeing it higher up.  They raised it to keep it dry during rains and so that they could give us...


Above is what it looked like during the process...

Then, they filled it around them.

Originally, they said it would be a couple of culverts but in the end, we ended up with:





One at each end and then two spaced in between.

It's to help rain flow under the driveway bed when needed and it will help water from 2nd Family's property flow under the driveway as well.

It's all to keep it lasting for years to come.

Here's a fun picture:

We were standing in the "garage" and looking out toward the driveway, so I edited in a simulated garage door opening.  And then...

I put in some walls, ha!  This will be my view getting into my car to go to work. 

Shortly before the house is finished, that dirt in front of the garage will partially go away because they will be putting in a concrete parking pad right in front of the garage.  The 22' width of the garage and about 20' long.  A place to park the cars to wash them or put two in the garage and park the truck in the driveway, etc.

When we left, we put up some caution tape to keep people from driving on it and the construction guys will take it down when they see fit.  In the end, we got more of a road than a simple driveway and it's awesome!  We are so happy with the end result.  They will maintain it throughout the build and then freshen it up at the end.  It's going to change my mowing habits for sure.  No more driveway to mow!  And with the gravel/rocks, I'll have to be very careful of the blades when I'm around the area.  I'll only have to mow each side but will still have to keep the culverts clear as well.  I'll be trying to figure out the best options.

I think I'm going to have to figure out some new kind of landscaping, certain plants to plant, etc.


  1. Could you line both sides of the driveway with a low growing hedge? You may have to rake up all the rocks along the edges of the driveway so you don't ruin the blades on the mower. I know you'll figure it out!

  2. That's the type of positive improvement that is so impressive and inspiring. Roderick

  3. I was thinking short hedge or plants. Flowers of some kind, even if it is bulbs would be so pretty. You might ask the builders of the driveway what they would recommend. It looks like they did a quality job, not just throwing down a shoddy road/driveway. I wonder how you keep the culvers from filling with soil as water flows.

  4. I praise Them builders. They done a Fantastic job on your driveway. It should last for a very long time.
    Enjoy your day and have a wonderful week.
    Blessings 2 U both.
    We have an adjuster coming out tomorrow to look at our roof. We lost A LOT of shingles when the storms moved through a few days back.
    Had 50-70 MPH winds; also where under tornado warnings for a bit. I just hope we don't have to go through that again. Only wish we had a storm shelter to go into instead of riding out the storm in a mobile home.
    You both / all take care & Stay safe.


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