Sunday, November 19, 2023


Kind of a blah weekend.  It's the weather.  Sort of in between cold and warm and gray and overcast.  Rain expected today. Time for some food and some Hobart.

2nd Man made breakfast of migas (eggs and tortillas sautéed together in a skillet) with some pinto beans on the side.  Yummy breakfast!

And of course, here's Hobart.  No words needed for this photo.  Because...





  1. Only 62° up here in S. CO today and it's like yours ... overcast and gray! I have made a big pot of chicken noodle soup! 🍲
    We may get some rain 🌧️ and snow 🌨️ later on today, as well!

  2. Migas for breakfast - Yum! 2nd Man always has something good cooking!
    Hobart looks so comfy tucked under his red blanket. He does have his butlers well-trained for his comfort.

    It was mostly cloudy but I still wanted to be outside while it’s still not cold. I planted more flowers, trimmed up some things, and picked lettuce and other greens from my garden for a sautéed Wilted Salad for supper.

  3. This weekend was beautiful, not a cloud in the sky and a deep blue sky on Saturday. Today was not cloudless, but both days were sunny and 75 or so. The month of November is usually gray, damp, and unhappy. We are in a major drought. It has been something like 84 days without a day with 1/2 inch of rain. I love it but realize we do need rain. We might get it tomorrow when I need to go to doctor.


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