Friday, November 24, 2023


Oh the great debate every Thanksgiving:


Personally, we LOVE canned.  There is just something comforting and reminiscent of our childhoods and it's just darn good (Ocean Spray of course).  Perhaps it's simply nostalgic.  This year, there was something that went viral online and we just had to find one.  It took me some online shopping to find it and there are probably more available now or will be since Thanksgiving it over.  I ordered it a month ago hoping it would make it in time and it's SO fun.

I finally found it at an online store, since sold out, that had 25% off if you signed up as a new customer and they had free shipping.  Win/win!

It is this special dish JUST for canned cranberry sauce, or as they call it "can-berry".

It is white ceramic (which makes the deep color of the cranberry stand out), it's shaped like a large, open can and even comes with a nice serving utensil as well to slice it and serve it.

Here it is in our own kitchen.  It's our new favorite Thanksgiving tradition!


  1. I like fresh cranberry sauce but that is a super cute serving dish.

  2. there are a lot of vintage ones from the 50s that are either silverplate or crystal, and the server looks like a tomato spoon.

  3. I always loved Ocean Spray cranberry sauce until they replaced cane sugar with high fructose corn syrup (hfcs). Now the taste has changed, and so has the texture. Love your cranberry dish, though.

  4. I love that dish and I do like the jellied cranberry stuff! LOL

  5. Very cute. My daughter mad e the cranberry sauce this year and it was scrumptious. I was disappointed that she didn't offer any to use to bring home. I do have the canned version and may have to make a turkey breast and serve that.

  6. Oh, that is too cute!! Now I want to find one of those! Haha! I'm a canned girl myself, but I'll take it any way. I love cranberry sauce!

  7. Love your special canned cranberries serving dish! When I was a kid, I loved that version. But as an adult, I prefer the whole berries cooked into a sauce. For a few years, I made a cooked cranberry relish using an Ina Garten recipe which is really delicious.
    Hope y’all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  8. I make cranberry relish which is not cooked at all, but something we really love.

  9. I love both. I cooked fresh cranberries and will open the canned stuff when I cook free turkey next week. Now, I have to have one of those can-berry dishes.

  10. I'm not a big fan of cranberries; only when I make my cranberry fluff salad.
    Pretty nifty can-berry dish along with the slice-n-serve utensil.
    Have a wonderful weekend

    1. Those interested; Local Hallmark store are sold out on line but don't know if they carry them in their store.
      Check with your local Hallmark stores in your area to see if they have them in stock.
      Price on line; which they call 'Mud Pie Can-Berry Dish With Spatula' sells for $21.99.


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