Thursday, September 26, 2024


Nothing like some plump, juicy, fresh nectarines!

 We had a half dozen, and you know me, since they were super ripe, my first instinct was to put them up for future use!

First, I pitted them and sliced them up.

Then I put them in the freezer overnight (on parchment so they wouldn't be stuck to the pan) and popped them off the next morning.

Then I vacuum sealed them and put them back in the freezer, ready for the next time.

Nectarine cobbler?  Anyone have something cool to do with nectarines or do you just use them as you might if you had peaces?


  1. Had a friend who used to freeze nectarines or peaches with blueberries and serve them frozen as a treat, sometimes with a bit of vanilla ice cream. Heaven!

  2. nectarines or peaches with a handful on blueberries on squares of that frozen multi layer pastry you can buy and keep in the freezer ... a tsp of sugar and bake till golden and bubbly .. yum ... sorry my memory leaves more each day ...

  3. Honestly; I have never made anything using nectarines. I'm sure there are many recipes out there, but the 1st. place I would look is in some old, vintage cookbooks.
    Old church cookbooks are my favorites to look through for 'back-in-the-day recipes.
    Have you thought about dehydrating peaches, nectarines, berries, apples, etc.? They would make for a nice snack / treat, plus it would limit your sugar intake.
    You both have an enjoyable weekend.
    Stay safe.

  4. I’ve never used nectarines for baking. I just eat them fresh. If you freeze some, they would be good on ice cream or in yogurt.


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