Saturday, November 23, 2024


Well, yesterday was the start and today is the finish.  We are having the area around Barnabus (the old, giant mesquite tree) cleared.  It is also having a large branch cut off that is too close to the future house.  I drove out at lunch to see the progress, holy cow it's amazing. 

It's going to look SO different, probably a bit of a shock at first but will give us a whole new area to enjoy.

We're taking lot of before pics of course.  Today they finish up and after that area is cleared, we get to do what he calls "you point/we cut".  That will let them clean up areas that have gotten out of control and we can have them neat and tidy. 

While they are doing it, I'm going to just be in the barn and shed maybe organizing a bit (as I can, there is a lot of stuff from the house in there).  The best thing is the current temperature out there is 49!!!

Lots of pictures coming soon!

Hope your weekend is off to an equally good start!


  1. Looking forward to any and all pictures! LOL My life is boring as hell! 😔

  2. You will be surprised how fast they can do it. No rest for the weary , you may be in awe and just stand there and watch and be fascinated! Ready to point....and let 'em cut. THAT in itself will wear you out.

  3. Sounds like it's going to be a busy day but at least you have some nice weather down there.
    Got a can of spray paint or some old rags? Use either one and mark the trees / shrubs that you want cut. That way you won't have to stand out there and point and will give more time to organize your sheds that way and do whatever else that want to do.
    Have a fun day and enjoy your weekend.

  4. Can’t wait to see the pictures of the cleaned up Barnabus area!


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