You don't have any idea how much of a relief this's been weighing heavily on me and the more it got out of control, the more it weighed on me. I kept thinking, how could we possibly get beyond this? So I jumped in on this first cool weekend, rolled up my sleeves and went to work.
I'll share the story in pics (click to enlarge)...
Part of it before...
...and after (peek inside) with a little bit of the outside, where I went ahead and worked on some new planting beds on either side of the entrance gate.
Another before...
...and the same direction after.
And again, before. Notice the clay pot for frame of reference...
...and here it is after.
This is another before (note the barn for another frame of reference)...yes believe it or not, there really are raised beds in there...somewhere...
...and here it is after. There are those raised beds after all!!
Raised bed garden |
This is such a relief for us. It was a LOT of work, and yep, I did it all by myself as 2nd Man had to stay in town and work on things for the house sale/eventual move to the apartment. I was in my element, thoroughly enjoying it...mostly anyway, I won't lie, I did have a few moments where I thought "I just can't finish this..." but I pushed on through. I would work about 45 minutes at a time and then take 15 minute porch breaks with lots of water. I had to pull the tall weeds first, and even with gloves, I have blisters on my hands today. Next, I used 2nd Family's push mower to take down the tall grass that was left. Then I went back to the beds and pulled everything growing in each one, again by hand. Finally, I cleaned it all up with the string trimmer.
After all that, I still had a bit of time to work on some future flower beds along the front of the garden, on each side of the entrance gate. Eventually, we'd like to have them run along both sides and the rear, but for now, we're OK with just the front. When I looked back after it was done, I think I had a tear in my eye.
I really thought this was so out of control that it would take several weekends to clean up but it only took one day. 9am-6pm. Just like a regular office work day, ha! I still need to rake up some of the dead grass (or maybe just let it blow away in the wind). Next season we will order more mulch to put down, but for now, we can pull weeds as they come up...and with cold weather coming soon, they will be much fewer and farther between.
The garden is back from edge of oblivion!
Tomorrow I'll have a question for all you gardeners...