This was the harvest haul of jalapeños from the garden two weeks ago. ONE plant produced all of these in just a couple of weeks. It's been a prolific plant, that's for sure.
So when life hands you jalapeños....
Jalapeños |
...the canning bug tells me to make jelly! This was the weekend where it rained heavy both days and we stayed in town.
Jalapeno jelly ingredients |
This is the recipe from the Ball Website. When you're a newbie to canning (like me), it's best not to experiment with canning until you really understand how it works. So I found the official jalapeño jelly recipe. It's 12 ounces of jalapeños (since ours were smallish, all of them weighed 12.2 ounces. Then it was just 2 cups of apple cider vinegar, 6 cups sugar, and a pouch of liquid pectin.
I took the stems off, sliced the jalapeños in half (I didn't de-seed them, we like it spicy), and put them in the chopper along with ONE cup of the vinegar...
Whiz them around until they are sufficiently minced...
Making jalapeño jelly |
I poured it into the jam pan along with the sugar and the other cup of vinegar...
Heat to boiling over high heat...
Once it reaches boiling, set your timer for 10 minutes and continue to boil, stirring frequently...
At the end of 10 minutes, get your packet of pectin out and pour it in. The foam almost immediately goes away. Stir and let boil hard for 1 minute and then remove from heat. Some recipes add green food coloring to turn it a bright green. I like this natural greenish/gold color.
At this point, I skimmed off any remaining foam...
Jalapeno jelly jars |
I had my area ready, the jars washed and cleaned of course, and filled them up, leaving 1/4" headspace...oops, spilled a bit!
Loaded them into the canning rack...
And lowered them into the waterbath. I processed them in boiling water for 10 minutes...
Canning jalapeno jelly |
...and then removed them to a towel to await the "lid popping".
I just love that sound! We ended up with 11 of of these smaller jars.
Jalapeno Jelly |
Aren't they pretty?
Jalapeño jelly with cream cheese |
Of course, we HAD to have some...on club crackers...spread with cream cheese (we used the whipped kind) and then topped with the wonderful sweet and spicy jelly. Oh my, it was SO good...I also took some to work and it was enjoyed!
Anyone else like and/or make jalapeño jelly?
PLEASE NOTE: You are responsible to know and understand the current canning and processing recommendations for safety. Canning is fun but you MUST follow guidelines to make sure you are doing it safely. I had to learn (and still am) so do your research on safe canning techniques.
of course, the literal bible of home canning information, the Ball Website.