Wednesday, February 12, 2025


 We save our chicken carcasses when we get some rotisserie chicken or when we roast our own and toss them in the freezer.  Then, we get them out and boil them.  2nd Man did this the other day but I wasn't there to get before photos.

He puts them in a stock pot and covers with water and boils for about 3 hours, on low.

Then he pours it into a container, covers with plastic wrap and puts it in the refrigerator overnight. This lets the fat congeal on the top. Then we take it out and, as you can see above, it's easy to take out the fat.

Look at this wonderful, almost jelly like, chicken stock.

Then it's time for me to put it up.  I ladle in about 2 cups per baggie.  Here, I'm using my cool bag stand given to me by a coworker.  You extend it to the size of your bag and then clip it and it holds it open so you can easily put/pour things into a bag.

We ended up with about six bags of a little over 2 cups each.  I didn't used the vacuum sealer because it's easier to just push out the air.  Popped these in the freezer and we're good to go whenever we need some really good homemade chicken stock.

1 comment:

  1. I do the same, as that is where all that extra flavor is from, is from the bones. I do the same thing when we have turkey.
    It's 31 deg. but by morning, with the wind chill factor it will be in the teens by early morning. Will have a high in the mid 40's.
    Take care, stay safe and stay warm


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