Wednesday, February 5, 2025


Here's a fun gift 2nd Man got from one of my dear coworkers.

It's called a Nana Hat (as seen on Shark Tank).  They sell them HERE on Amazon.

 It works because bananas produce ethylene gas as they ripen and the cover over the stem end keeps them from absorbing the gas so they stay fresher longer.  You stretch the silicone cover over the stem end of the bunch.  There is a magnet in the end and once that is done, you put the cover on so it has some pizazz!

Practical AND cute!

They make other animals of course, dogs, pandas, octopus, unicorn, etc but I mean, come on, every banana needs an actual monkey watching over them, am I right?

By the way, these bananas had the cover on them for 5 days, sitting on the counter and they still looked good!  I think we can say this works, ha!

Once we have bananas growing (hopefully) at the farm, we might just have to have several of these!


  1. It seems like the ethylene gas can still get out of the spaces between bananas. It is cute.

  2. cute.
    I have been going the cheaper way; wrapping the whole top with scotch tape.
    Wet and cloudy and foggy out today. No sunshine here today.
    Have a great day and enjoy your evening


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