Friday, October 27, 2023


So this happened as I was leaving the farm recently...

These are the keys to the barn/shed.  This dog tag came from a dear friend who passed away and we thought it would be a good way to always think about her.  For these last few years, it has never been a problem.  Then, I was taking them back in to hang them on the hook in the mudroom and was walking across the porch and...

...this happened.  I dropped them, they landed juuuuuust right and disappeared into the darkness of the underside of the house.  Not what you want to happen after a hot day of yard work and in your mind you are ready to get in and rest and realize you now have to crawl under then house and retrieve them.

I did that (at least it was cool under there, ha) grabbed them and hung them up where they belong.  2nd Man said we need to add something to the keychain, like a small round item so if they DO fall again, they will not drop all the way through.

It's always something...


  1. Glad you where able to retrieve them. At least you didn't have to crawl in mud like we have here right now with the rain that we received; over 6 inches.
    Just add your keys to a C-clip key ring. Can buy them anywhere, plus you will be able to clip right onto your pants / belt loop. Or you could get a retractable key holder and add your keys to it.
    Retractable key holder:

  2. The chances of that happening are slim I think but I would add something a little larger to the chain just in case.

  3. I can imagine how annoying that would be. However, at least you were willing to crawl under the house/porch. They would be there forever if it were left up to me. I agree, something needs to go on there with the skinny keys and dogtag.

    1. Linda Practical Parsimony above

  4. Nothing you would be TRYING to fit through that crack would ever fit , you know. B.

  5. Peace - What a nice memento of your friend.
    If you tried 100 times on purpose, you couldn’t get those keys to drop through that crack.

    Are you ready for a big change in the weather? Going down into the 40’s at night next week – yikes!

  6. Thought you were going to say you came face to face with a snake! (Over the years you have reported a few brushes with them!) Glad that was not the case.😳

  7. Woke up to 48 deg. which will about our high for today and it's still raining. Light rain - off and on all day.
    The last few days we have gotten over 12 inches of rain. Water standing in our yard in places. Soup on the menu for a few days this week. We may even have a good chance of a light frost tonight or earlier in the week.
    Even made a couple of cat houses for the 2 feral cats that have been hanging around. All we have to do is put a nice, thick layer of straw inside of their houses.
    Can't let them go hungry or be out in the cold temperatures; so yes, we have been feeding them.
    Everyone enjoy your day.
    Stay safe and stay warm.


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