Tuesday, July 16, 2024


Until construction actually starts and we have those pictures to post, we'll start something new and have a regular post the same time each week.  We'll call it "New House Teaser Tuesday" or something like that and then we'll name each post what we are going to tease about, kitchen, exterior, bathrooms, pantry, etc and share some pics and info.

Of course, we'll also have extra posts along the way as other things come up, like when we think of ideas or want to share or ask about something or choose colors.

For this week, here's a bit about the house:

Stock photo source wikicommons

We signed the contract and put down our (non refundable) deposit, so it's actually happening, ha!

The house will be 1956 square feet of living area.  That encompasses 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, a foyer, family room, dining room, kitchen, utility room and a large walk-in pantry.

It will be built on a slab, no more pier and beam.  The total concrete area of the slab will be 2970 square feet.  That's adding in the concrete for an oversized two car garage, a back porch behind the garage and a large covered back porch that will be screened in.

They say once they break ground, weather permitting, 6 to 8 months to finish.  We're trying to get to that point by September.  Because then, six months would be March.  Great birthday present for both of us, ha.

Another question we get is wondering if we will move out there right away when it's done.  Yes.  We've waited (as many of you know) a long time to do this.  Let's do it and get out there so we can start enjoying our dream.  2nd Man works remote 100% of the time and my boss has already told me I can work a hybrid (we'll have to figure out what that will entail).  The drive for me will be 45 minutes to an hour each way but hey,  I enjoy driving and besides, we do what we do to make dreams come true and live our best lives, right?

I sense a lot of podcasts and audiobooks in my future.  I used to (when cars had CD players) check out books on CD from the library. I think I'll have to transition to Audible or something like that.


  1. How exciting and excited for the both of you.

    1. Hopefully you thought about having a safe room added to your plans. Would save from having to put in an in ground storm shelter.

    2. Thank you!!! And yep, we're talking about it. We're still far enough away from breaking ground to work that in. We shall see. A lot comes down to the bank and financing too. Ugh.

  2. I'm sure you're both so excited. You get to create and pick the house and everything in it. That's huge!!

    1. Yep, we are so exciting. We figured if we're going to do it, let's do it right, LOL.

  3. Wonderful news and, as construction schedules go, that is a fairly rapid affair. But - being an inquisitive soul - how did you or he get the big scratch on your right hand wrist? Roderick

    1. Hey Mr. Roderick! They say their goal is 255 days from pour to completion. They don't build a lot at one time so they can focus on each so we shall see. Plus some counties in Texas take nortoriously long (and they say those can be 10 to 11 months) but our county is one they say is easy to work with so fingers crossed.

      The pic is not me/us. Just a photo I found to use so the post wasn't totally picture free, ha. The actual "signing" was done electronically on her computer when we were there so it wasn't dramatic enough to take a picture, ha.

  4. I live in the area. You will love living in your home on your land. Who is your builder?

    1. Thank you, we appreciate it. Shoot me an email (the link over on the side) and I'll be glad to share.

  5. this is so exciting! if you can get this built in that time frame, it will be miraculous! i hope you can! joyce

    1. They say they have a 255 day goal. We'll see, ha.

  6. It is a big and mostly exciting thing to build house, I hope all goes smoothly for you both

    1. thanks it is a big deal for sure and we're figuring exciting but also expecting the stress to kick in soon, ha.

  7. I suppose your climate makes it possible, but starting in September where I live would be hazardous. We would start in spring, but I suppose, your weather makes the difference. So, how much of that space is walled in living space? If you use a special screen, pollen won't come in. I think it keeps a certain amount of dust out, too.

    1. They were fine with the start date, so yeah, maybe the climate. He said once they get it framed and siding up, if it's cold and wintry, it will be fine. Fingers crossed, ha. well the 1956 square feet is the walled in actual living space. Full a/c heat in the whole 1956. The almost 3000 square feet of concrete would be that 1956 plus the non living spaces...i.e porch, back covered porch, garage, summer kitchen porch, etc. No driveway yet, we haven't decided on that. That would be more concrete, ha. We'll ask about the special screen thanks for the info!

  8. This will make for a really fun and interesting series. Looking forward to it.

    1. We figured it would be fun to follow along and then of course once they break ground, we'll have lots of posts as things change from week to week.

  9. I look forward to experiencing this house-raising with you two gentlemen!

  10. How exciting! I hope the schedule holds so you don't end up having to move in the heat of late spring or summer.
    An hour commute...I did that for several decades. The years I was in various car-pools were the worst for multiple reasons. Some good audio books or a favorite music station will make the drive much easier.

    1. ooh, didn't think of that but I think we'll just be so grateful to be out there finally, ha. Yep, the commute will be about an hour I think but I did 40 minutes for a few years at a previous job (and that was from one side of houston to another, ha). Definitely going to look into "Audible" or something.

  11. I am so happy for y’all! How exciting to have a house with all the things you really want!

  12. Sounds like a wonderful plan for the new home. I was wondering if you guys are considering a geothermal heating cooling system or will it be solar?


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