Wednesday, August 14, 2024



25 years ago this week, we went on our first date and here we are, a quarter century later!  Where does the time go?  It's a big milestone of course, but we've both agreed to no gifts right now.  I mean, we are building a house, so there IS that, ha.

We'll have a simple dinner tonight (pork chops and corn on the cob with salad is on the menu) but soon, we will splurge and go to our anniversary place for fried chicken.  We haven't had fried chicken of any kind since before my heart attack so we figured a splurge once a year is OK.  I even asked my doctor on my last visit and, as he said, "don't miss out on what you enjoy, just do it with moderation".  I said "so fried chicken once a year?" and he said "ABSOLUTELY...once every couple of months if you want it, your numbers are very good".  We won't do that, but once a year seems fair.

For those new to the blog or missed it a couple years go, you can read THE STORY OF US HERE

A phrase we always like to say is "It's just the two of us and that's all that matters".  Family is not always there and neither of us have our parents so in the end, that's really all that matters (and sweet Hobart of course, for as long as we have him!).  

"New House Teaser" will be on Friday...


  1. Wishing you both a Very Happy Anniversary and many, many more years to come.
    You many not have no immediate family; but I would consider All of your commenters as distant family.
    You both have a Wonderful day and a great evening. Enjoy your fried chicken.
    Blessings to you both on this very special day.

  2. Happy Anniversary!!
    We're at 52 years and haven't killed each other ... yet. Wink, wink, nudge, nudge, I'll say no more. ;)

  3. Happy Anniversary! A new house is a fantastic way to celebrate! Deb

  4. Oh, happy 25th ... and, to those who said: It will never last! Let'em all go soak their heads! LOL
    May you have so many more in your new home! 💕

  5. awwww...happy happy anniversary! you two are the best! joyce

  6. 25 years is wonderful, I hope you gave many more happy years together

  7. Heartwarming, so happy for you. Have a lovely fried chicken celebration.

  8. So nice to hear of happy long lasting love in a world today when so many people split up...perhaps not giving their relationship a real chance. I have only been together with my husband for 55 years so try to catch up !

  9. A whole new house and fried chicken and Hobart! Sounds like enough! Happy Anniversary!

  10. I am so happy that you two have enjoyed so many years of happiness together in a society that, while it has improved, still makes unions between gay men difficult and challenging. It is easy for us straights. Roderick


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