Saturday, December 14, 2024


Again, a rainy week and so we don't have to water and with nothing going on at the farm yet (with regard to the new build) it's another weekend to window-shop.  

Today we do have to stop by the builder to go over a few things but before (after?) that, we're going to go to a few furniture stores to just do some window shopping for what we might need at the new house.

The only real furniture we will need is a new sectional/couch arrangement for the living room.  We're not taking our current ones with us.  But we have plenty of furniture for the rest of the house.  Of course, you never know what we might find that gives us an idea to change out something later!

Oh and we'll stop at the grocery store and get something for some fabulous cooking later/tomorrow.

Hope you all are having a great weekend!


  1. Shopping for a new house will be fun!

  2. Good time to go window shopping with notepad and pen to take notes and of course taking pictures of items seen and want and note pad for taking important notes, measurements, locations of items seen, item numbers, etc. before the house is built. Find out when the stores have their best sales. Normally stores will have some great deals when it comes time in getting rid of the old in order to make room for the new.
    Hope you had a wonderful day yesterday.
    Enjoy your day today and have yourselves a great week.

  3. Window Shopping for your new house - a fun way to spend part of your weekend.


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