Sunday, February 23, 2025


 Still cold, today is gray and overcast (yesterday it rained all day) and it's 49 degrees.  But warmer and drier days are coming, so they say.

Recently, 2nd Man made a large pot of Pozole's a Mexican style stew, made with lean pork, hominy, tomatillos, poblanos, etc.  It makes a big batch so we eat on it for several days.  So good.

When you serve it, you add cabbage, avocados, fresh white onions, cilantro and lime.  Also usually add radishes sliced up but we didn't have any.  It is so good, so filling and warm and satisfying.

Hobart was sitting on the other couch, on his fuzzy blue blanket, and he looked over and I thought it was a cute picture with him looking at us saying hello!  Then he finally curled up and slept.  Because...



  1. That soup looks so delicious and so does Hobart! What a regal picture of him!

  2. Nothing better on a cold day than a bowl of good soup! It’s finally going to warm up tomorrow and be sunny and I’m ready for it.
    That is a great picture of Hobart. Such a handsome kitty.

  3. I came over just to see Hobart. He makes me smile.

  4. We finished off cheesy potato and ham soup.
    Great photo of Hobart.
    Have a blessed and wonderful day


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