Monday, February 24, 2025


House build update:

With all the driveway issues, we forgot to share these pictuers and updates.  They came out and filled the forms with dirt and sand in preparation for the next step (setting plumbing).

Here is the front corner, from master bedroom closet looking across the house toward Barnabas.

Here is the back corner, master bedroom corner, where my desk will be, ha, looking toward the front yard.

This is the other back corner, where the garage and grilling/cooking porch will be.  Speaking of...'s a great view of what I'll see while I'm grilling or canning.  I think I can live with this view!  Ha!  The neighbors have a new horse (at least one, could be more elsewhere) and some cattle.

It still looks so different with our clearing and then the clearing the neighbors did.  We love it.

This week, the new driveway project will begin. The construction supervisor said it should take about 3-5 days so it could be done by the weekend.  Either way, I'll have to go out this weekend to return the plants to their proper (temporary) spot now that Winter is over.

Stay tuned!


  1. Looks like things are moving along nicely.
    Hoping and praying you have no more setbacks.
    Have a wonderful and blessed day and enjoy the great temperatures we are having. Hopefully No more freezing temperatures.

  2. Very exciting to see it finally materializing!

  3. The beginning! So exciting!


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