You may recall that one of our apple trees is leaning. Like really leaning. We've tried pulling it straight but it's firmly in a lean and doesn't want to budge and we risk damaging or breaking the trunk. I guess we shouldn't say it's leaning as leaning implies it can be pulled upright. It's GROWING in a lean.
Wednesday, June 30, 2021
Monday, June 28, 2021
Sunday, June 27, 2021
It's lazy Sunday and you know what that means...Hobart and some good food!
Hobart says Happy Pride month!
It's actually kind of a gray and overcast day today and as this posts, 2nd Man is napping. I might have to do the same here in a bit. Hobart is already out.
Steak Dinner |
Today we had steaks with sautéed onions, french fries roasted in beef tallow and some wonderfully fresh avocado. We SO want to grow an avocado tree (or two) at the farm. It's one of our favorite things. They are freeze sensitive so of course there IS that, ha.
House Wine in a can |
I found these the other day. It is the HOUSE WINE brand limited edition Rose' bubbles wine in a can. We can honestly say we've never had wine in a can but it was a special version for Pride Month and I thought it would be fun to try...
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Sparkling rose wine from House Wine |
...and WOW it was SO good. Just as good as any nice rose wine in a bottle. The sparkling bubbles were really nice on a warm day. Very refreshing. A great flavor and easy to drink, we'll be looking for more of this to try out. Well done and thank you HOUSE WINE.
Hope you all are having a great weekend. An update tomorrow on the day yesterday. It didn't all go as planned, ha.
Friday, June 25, 2021
Wednesday, June 23, 2021
I'm a weather geek and with our view from the apartment balcony, we get to see some awesome storms as they move across the city. Last month, we definitely had our share of storms.
Of course, trying to capture lightning on a camera is like trying to, well, capture lightning in a bottle?
It's a lot waiting, seeing the lightning bolts and then clicking and hoping you got it. I learned to put on the continuous shutter speed and take a bunch in a row.
(as always, click any image to enlarge)
Monday, June 21, 2021
In most areas, garlic is planted in the Fall for Spring harvesting. Of course you have to get the variety that works best for your climate. There are hardneck and softneck varieties.
For us, we get softneck. Growing garlic is much easier than you think. You just get your bed ready, poke holes, drop the cloves in, cover it all up, mulch it and then just water occasionally (usually our Winter weather provides enough regular rainwater). Water in the Spring if no rain and by late May or June, you have garlic ready for drying. A few years ago, after a couple of earlier not so great attempts, we finally found a variety, the LORZ Italian, that worked great for us.
Garlic drying in the barn |
We ended up with a LOT of garlic drying in the barn.
The thing is, you have to order now (and in the next few weeks) for delivery in the Fall. By the time we post about planting it in the Fall, it's too late for readers to order so we figured we'd be proactive and let you know now and remind you that if you want to plant garlic, in most places, now is the time to order it.
I put it off one year and by the time I tried to order, they were already out. Last year with the pandemic I just plain forgot about it and sure enough, sold out! So this year, 2nd Man has been reminding me to order it and I waited for it to show up and I ordered some.
Here is where we ordered ours from:
We do not get anything from them and this is not a paid endorsement, this is just us recommending a great company that had a quality product compared to what we had found elsewhere in prior years.
Here is the description from their website:
"Good at tolerating the heat of summer. Lorz Italian excels in mild winter climates but is suitable for even the furthest north growing regions. This robust, easy to peel artichoke cultivar imparts bold garlic flavor. Very large bulbs with a storage life of about 10 months."
We found that to be 100% accurate as they did well for us and we had plenty of cooking garlic for almost a year. A one pound bag gave us 36 great heads of garlic when we harvested. There probably were about 48 if we used a bigger bed and we just might try that this fall by using the larger 4x8 raised bed.
Anyway, wherever you order from, now is the time to order garlic for the Fall!
Sunday, June 20, 2021
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Sleepy Hobart |
Pineapple upside down cake |
Saturday, June 19, 2021
Off to the farm...on a hot day/hot weekend.
We're under a heat advisory and you may have seen the headlines that Texans are being urged to conserve electricity so the grid doesn't go down like it did during the Winter. Don't even get us started on the political incompetence that has led to this, sigh.
The headlines here in Houston are that we dodged a bullet with the tropical disturbance that is making landfall near New Orleans. We are, of course, on the dry side of the storm and so we won't get any of the 20+ inches of rain they expect on the other side.
I'm hoping I don't have to mow today, the big project will need to be the edging around the fruit tree beds. Oh my gosh, it is OUT of control. Hopefully, I will have before and after pics to share.
Fingers crossed that I get that part done.
Hope you have a great weekend, stay cool if you are someplace hot and for those in the path of the tropical weather, stay safe!
Thursday, June 17, 2021
Ingredients for egg noodles and herbs |
Buttered egg noodles with herbs |
Wednesday, June 16, 2021
Here is another weekend harvest...
Monday, June 14, 2021
It was a hot weekend (see yesterday's post).
2nd Man was experiencing some post vaccine fatigue so I headed out Saturday morning by myself to the farm.
Sunday, June 13, 2021
It's been a good weekend.
But hot.
They are warning people to stay inside or be very careful outside. It's very hot with our "feels like" temps approaching 110 degrees. We're in for a long, hot Summer, that's for sure.
Here's what Hobart has done all weekend. Sleep in the nice air-conditioned comfort of home.
We'l be honest though, we've done that today. I was at the farm all day yesterday (more on that tomorrow). Today, I thought about going back out but I was just worn out. It was ALL day in the heat on Saturday and it sapped my energy. 2nd Man had what we believe was a bit of a delayed vaccine reaction and was tired and lethargic all day Friday and yesterday.
He is much better today.
Hope you had a great weekend and are staying cool!
Saturday, June 12, 2021
Thursday, June 10, 2021
Well, we did it.
We have been fully vaccinated!
For me, this was a Mt. Everest moment. You see, I have a terrible fear of needles. My fear comes from a childhood trauma. I was bitten by a stray cat when I was about four or five and they couldn't catch the cat so I had to have rabies shots.
In the stomach.
Over the course of a few weeks.
With 1969 "needle technology".
Ironically, LOVE cats, HATE needles, ha.
(rabies shots are much better now)
Since 2nd Man and I didn't really get out into public situations much, we waited to let more people get their vaccines first but then it became so widely available here, we decided to do it. Had our first shot back a couple weeks before Memorial Day weekend and then a couple of days ago we got the second dose.
For those afraid of needles, I have to say, I did NOT feel a thing. Literally the first shot (don't look at it) I was looking away, I felt him rub on the alcohol, I was chatting away talking about my rabies shots experience and whatever else and the guy goes "all done!". I swear to you if you offered me $100 to tell you the moment he injected me, I would lose that bet. It was an amazing experience. I was actually looking forward to the second and same thing this time, though I did consciously try to catch the moment. I "think" I did know the microsecond moment I might have felt it but again, a wonderful experience.
Monday, June 7, 2021
This part of Texas started May with a rainfall deficit but during the month, we "officially" received 11.5 inches of rain. The farm total has been closer to 15 inches.
Thankfully it didn't come all at once but in some ways that might have been better, or at least if it was spread over a few days. Instead, it rained on and off almost every day for a month which helped prevent major widespread flooding of cars and homes but caused the ground to just become supersaturated.
At the top edge of this photo you can see my car parked and in the middle of the photo is where I usually park the car. I have already gotten a mower stuck, I was not about to get the car stuck this time, so I parked in the high spot of the yard.
Still, the garden and indeed the whole farm, is just SO wet with water. It's standing everywhere that there is a low spot, including here in the garden...
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Mosquitoes, image courtesy of wikicommons |