Sunday, March 23, 2025


 2nd Man had a birthday last week and we had his favorite treat courtesy of me and he made a cake since, well, he is the baker in the family, ha.

I made a couple of salads, good old American iceberg with shredded veggies and whole wheat croutons topped with his favorite dressing, blue cheese, in a low fat version.

Then for the main course, I made tuna casserole.  I know, a polarizing dish you either love or hate.  Starting last year, I made it heart healthy.  I use a really good quality canned tuna and then my favorite vegan mayonnaise (no fat), low fat cream of mushroom soup, 2% milk shredded cheese, peas, etc.  He LOVED it.

Now for his birthday cake, he wanted chocolate ganache frosting and filling on the outside...

And classic yellow cake on the inside.  Four layers.  It was a retro-classic for sure.

Since we couldn't really go healthy on this, we opted for the next best thing: portion control.  We had one slice each and my coworkers enjoyed the rest (and they were definitely happy, ha).

We loved it all!

Happy Birthday 2nd Man!

Hobart was unimpressed.  As long as he has his comfy place to sleep and a favorite item nearby (in this case a sock that we rub catnip on) his happy.  He got his catnip high and then slept.  Because...



  1. Happy Birthday, 2nd man. You outdid yourself with that cake.

  2. Happy Birthday wishes to you 2nd man. 🥳🍰🦘

  3. happy birthday! i am still following but i admit i am a mess. i am not good at sitting around and waiting. i need to join a group to fight. i am ready!

  4. Happy belated birthday, 2nd Gentleman and Chef!
    The cake ... OMG And, the same goes for the tuna noodle casserole ... total comfort food!

  5. Happy Birthday! I love Chocolate Cake!

  6. Happy Birthday, 2nd Man! Your birthday cake is beautiful!

  7. 2nd Man, looks like you had a blessed birthday with good food along with a fantastic dessert. A cake with a ganache frosting is the best.
    Wishing you many more birthday's.

    1st. Man, you also will be having a birthday soon and I'm sure you will have a wonderful birthday as well. Never to old to have birthday's; so milk it for all it's worth.
    You both have a wonderful day.


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