Saturday, March 15, 2025


It's time to break out the Zen Machine after its long Winter nap and get to mowing!

Took this picture last weekend and I'm pretty sure that by today, it will definitely be time to mow!

Could probably wait another week, but I'd rather nip it in the bud now (no pun intended).  I will have to see how it changes around the driveway, but better to figure all this out now before the summer heat sets in.

I also need to trim back the bushes along the side of the driveway, they were kind of in the way as they were working, and some branches were broken.  We told them that was fine, we were going to trim them earlier (they are out of control), but we couldn't since the driveway was "not a driveway".  Today, I'll drive the truck and park on the new driveway, trim them back and load the cuttings in the truck bed.

Will also get to see what they've done as the driveway was opened up Thursday and plumbing was supposed to be laid inside the forms yesterday.

Big updates next week!

Looking forward to a Zen kind of day!


  1. Firing up the Zen machine and future updates ... I do find this exciting! Damn, I need to get out more!

  2. It's the Ides of March as any Latin student knows!
    Hope it was a good day at the farm.

  3. Hope you a wonderful Zen Day at the Farm!


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