Sunday, March 16, 2025



It's been a good weekend..  Beautiful weather and some Zen Machine time yesterday.  Also big progress on the house.  More updates on those this week.

We had another modified healthier meal.  I made my broccoli coleslaw that's I've made before, swapping out the mayo for heart healthy mayo, using greek yogurt instead of heavy cream, etc.  For the hotdogs we found some all natural turkey hotdogs (made with 100% white meat and ZERO fat) and whole wheat hot dog buns.  A little relish, mustard, etc and it was all good.

And of course, what would Sunday be without Hobart.  Here is on "his towel" covering his face (as cats often do) and just spending his day sleeping.  Because...



  1. Didn't get our yard mowed, but did manage to have all our roofs reroofed Sat.
    Hot Dogs look Fantastic but coming from my hubby, ' Don't buy that kind again.' (I kept His comment clean;)., Sure can't put much of anything past him. He does like his beef..
    Hobart must have had an exhausting day but then cats do sleep A lot.

    Have a Blessed day and Enjoy the rest of the week.

  2. Yum looking hot dogs. Y’all are great at creating healthier versions!
    Hobart knows how to enjoy a Sunday afternoon!

  3. The hotdogs need some cheese.

  4. Did the hot dogs taste like regular hot dogs or should I just get poultry sausage?


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