Thursday, March 13, 2025


I have been meaning to post this since last Summer and it got pushed down the list and I forgot. So here it is now, and with Spring around the corner, seems like good timing, ha.

This is at my office.  In front of the building in one of the flower beds.  We began noticing a vine spreading and I told my coworkers it looked like some sort of squash.  Wasn't sure what.  Then someone at the building put in...

...a trellis!

That made us wonder if it was growing on purpose or accidental? Did someone toss something in there and this sprung up? Or did one of the groundskeepers do it on purpose? We'll never know the answer to that, but it didn't take long to figure out what they were...


Here are a couple doing their thing.  We watched them with great joy every morning and afternoon coming and going from work.  We would notice a few would be missing from morning to evening or evening to morning.  We weren't sure if it was animals or other office people in the building.  We finally thought "we want some too!" and so I would occasionally step in and get one for us.

Here is one that I grabbed one off the vine and brought it home.  Less than 20 minutes after pulling it... ended up sliced into our salads and it was SO good.  We can't wait to have fresh cucumbers at the farm!

Still thinking about where that new garden is going to go in relation to the house!

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful surprise! A fun thing to watch and wonder what it was. And then to have fresh cucumbers to take home for salads!


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