Saturday, March 8, 2025


 Today, 2nd Man and I are off to the farm and to go explore the nearby town.

The driveway has been worked on this week and we think it is finished.  We want to see it and then check out the foundation forms (day dream about what room is where, ha).  Then we're going to go on an adventure by exploring a nearby town.  After all, it will soon become our go to for small, non-chain grocery stores, a hardware store or two and all the little errand runs that we don't want to drive into the Houston suburbs for.  We want to explore it a bit and just start getting a feel for what is there.

The farm is surrounded (well, within 15 or 20 minutes) by a number of small towns and place to visit and we'll always still be only about 30 minutes away from whatever we need in Houston.  But still, we hope to adapt to a quieter way of life once we move out there.

It's a foggy morning, this is the view from the balcony a few minutes ago.  But it is supposed to burn off soon and then we'll head off on our adventure.

Driveway pictures Monday!

Here is a little extra Hobart for your Saturday viewing pleasure, ha. We'll be back later Hobart Honeybear!


  1. Exploring near where you are going to live sounds exciting! Hobart is so handsome - how old is he?

  2. HOBART has plans for a long nap/

  3. I hope you have a simple route into Houston. I avoided going as much as possible. The highway from Galveston to Houston seemed to end in roads resembling a tangled ball of wool.

  4. Hope you had a wonderful adventure getting ready for the next phase of your lives!


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