Tuesday, March 18, 2025


 Once the driveway was done, they picked up in earnest and got a lot done.  In just two days, they got all this done.  It was time to lay the sewer pipes and water supply lines that go in trenches before the slab is poured.  We will take a trip through the house from entry to exit, via the pipes, ha.

Here is the progress:

Here is where it starts.  This is where the water well will be.  That big plywood box is the place for trash/scrap, that won't be there when the house is done, ha.

The pipe sticking up is near where the well will go.  The blue flag on the stake is where they will drill.  The pipe goes to the back corner of the house, the entrance will be by the garage and carry the water into the house.

After the water comes into the house this first pipe will be water heater in the garage.  The one down from that is the utility sink in the garage.  The square box is the floor drain the laundry room and the pipe along the back edge is the washing machine drain.

It runs down the hall and then into the dining room, turns and then it runs right under the island.  The two pipes sticking up will be the kitchen sink/dishwasher area in the kitchen.

This is standing by the kitchen sink.  The pipe runs through the living room/foyer and parallels the hallway and those pipes at the end are the two bathrooms.

Here is the guest bathroom, the toilet and the tub drain.  The pipe in the middle is the master bathroom dual sink area and the ones along the edge are the master bathroom walk in shower drain (the square box) and the shower water supply and then the toilet.

All these pipes and drains in the house lead to here:

This is the main sewer line where it exits the house and will then connect to the septic tank.  This wall is the other end of the house, just outside the master bath etc.  The septic is put in later in the process.

Here is a view from the front.  They got a lot accomplished in just a couple of days.  There is one thing that they are going to correct though: they put the main water shutoff right in the spot where we want to put our "park grills" that go in the ground.  Right in our "future" patio area.  Of course, they didn't know that part of our plans, but if we have to have it, it will be much easier to have it on the side of the garage.

We say "if" because they are not sure if we need the shutoff by the house.  The well is SO close to the house that they can put the manual shutoff there.  We are having a special device put in, the "Flo" by Moen that will shut off the water automatically if it detects a leak or busted pipe, but code (and peace of mind) still requires a manual way to turn it off in case of power failure.  Anyway, one small tweak and everything else is perfect!

Next step:  Rebar and vapor barrier!


  1. Sorry I've been absent I need to catch up, but I saw this one today and yay for you both. This is exciting. You said we'd be going through the journey with you and I feel like we are. We're seeing it all literally from the ground up. Thank you for this. I may never get to build a house and this is exciting. Love - Janie V

  2. Congrats, moving right along!

  3. WOW! They sure are coming along nicely. What a fun and enjoyable journey this has been. Thank You sharing with us all.
    The cement trucks will soon be arriving. Think of the book that you both could write; all about your life / journey together.
    Enjoy your day and have a wonderful evening.
    Love pat for Hobart from me.


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