Sunday, March 9, 2025


 You maybe have seen yesterday's post.  We had a good day, fun trip to the farm and then went to have lunch in a nearby town.  Went to a great antiques place and a wonderful family owned grocery store that's been there for decades.   Later, we stopped a diner that's also been there for years and it was so good.  Had to take a picture of something we saw on the menu:

The menu had "fried chicken livers and gizzards"!  Haven't seen that on a menu in ages.  Growing up, my parents got them when available.  Funny story, when we lived in Rhode Island, my Dad asked at a fried chicken place if they had livers or gizzards (being from the South and all) and they said told him "on no, we throw those parts away".  I enjoyed them both, loved the chicken livers but the gizzards were always tougher to eat.  Speaking of liver, they also had beef liver and onions, another favorite. 2nd Man, not so much, ha!

Alas, we opted for healthy.

I had flame grilled chicken breast and veggies (SO good) with a jalapeƱo cornbread muffin.

2nd Man had a club sandwich.  He said it was delicious as well.  Sometimes simple is good!

We also found buttermilk pies for sale!  Haven't seen that in ages.  My Grandmother used to make an awesome buttermilk pie but I never got the recipe.

Gotta love small town food!

This is the shape of a cat, ha.  Hobart was on his afghan and chair and when we got back, he stared at us for leaving him alone all day.  Because...



  1. Your "healthy" choices look quite delicious! I love chicken livers and gizzards ... always have!
    Hobart's giving you the "look!" LOL

  2. On the HISTORY channel is a series called Food That Built America. I think you too would enjoy that.
    Hobart can luck in plain sight. The food looks good. I love calf liver and onions and gravy. I won't eat any of the other giblets.


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