Sunday, May 12, 2013


Image courtesy of Australia War Museum
On this Mother's Day, I wanted to find a poster that reflected farm life and green living while paying homage to the wonderful contributions women have always made to society.

During WWII, when it was a men only army of course, women were tasked with keeping things going at home and so Britain and other allied countries (this one comes from Australia) started the "Women's Land Army" to have women work in the farming industry to replace the duties of men called to war.
I dare say they probably did a better job!

2nd Man and I have both lost our Mom's, long before their time, so on Sunday, we honor Mom's of everyone everywhere.  We know our Mom's (and Dad's) are always up there, smiling down on us and guiding us in our decisions.

HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all of you out there!


  1. such a great tribute to all Moms, excellent!

  2. Thanks for the happy day, and that lady in the poster would have been ME!

  3. Love all the vintage posters! Seems like we need to take most of the WWII posters to heart and reconnect with the land, even in the city.


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