Sunday, September 7, 2014


Vintage Join a Sheep Club, poster image courtesy
Not too long ago, I posted the images of a "Join a Pig Club".  This one dates from the same time, WW1 and the United States but this one is for a "Join a Sheep Club".  Whereas the others were to help with food support efforts, this one was for helping to clothe the soldier.  I would assume using the wool to create more uniforms, perhaps socks and gloves, maybe even creating other items needed on the battlefield such as tents and rucksacks.

We often wonder if kids today would participate in something like this or if it just wouldn't be 'high tech' enough, ha.  

More later!  Hope you are having a great weekend!


  1. I heard of pig clubs before but not sheep clubs. I would have thought that the states was growing a lot of cotton then for clothes and things.
    Really interesting thanks and made me think.

    1. Isn't that fascinating? I hadn't heard of that either. I would think cotton was prevalent too but I guess not. Or maybe wool was more important for the clothing? Definitely making me think too. thanks for stopping by!!

  2. Looking at this from a present day perspective of time spent on a project it's hard to wrap my brain around buying a sheep, waiting for it to mature, shearing the sheep, carding the wool, spinning the wool, creating the fabric, cutting the patterns, and sewing the uniforms. The mind boggles! Even if they were knitting socks they still had to go through the first 5 steps and then take the time to knit. Wow!

    1. WOW! You kind of put it in perspective! I never thought about that either. Maybe it was just a sort of 'so many people doing it and all in various stages of the process' that it worked? Fascinating!!

  3. You really gotta admire the spirit of the kids back then - they were real troopers alongside the adults!
    Wool was important for the soldiers' winter clothes but cotton must have been also. My grandpa broke both legs while farming cotton during WWII - my dad was in the Air Force at that time and he got sent home on extended leave to finish the cotton crop.

    1. Weren't they though? Cotton was a very important crop wasn't it? Even my Mom, while it was well after the war, picked cotton as a child. She blamed her adult back problems on her childhood of picking cotton with the rest of the family.


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