Tuesday, November 26, 2024


No new home update today, I didn't get all the pictures together and with this being a short week, too much going on and not as many people visiting the blog so we don't want anyone to miss anything.

Today will still be a home update of sorts, the land clearing (at least part one).

Trucks and equipment all over for almost two whole days and they worked their butts off.

We didn't want a burn pile, so they brought their heavy-duty woodchipper.  That thing was insane!  It could chew up almost anything that went in there.

Here are some before and after photos:

This is the area where our old mesquite tree is, the one we call Barnabas (that diagonal branch in the middle is where he's at).  We wanted all this cleared out because it will be too close to the new house (specifically the garage) and just looks like a mess, ha.  Of course we wanted to keep the old tree.  The rest was all brush, vines and mostly trees called "Hackberry".  They are considered junk or trash trees and have a tendency to fall in strong winds.  With a brand-new house next to that area, no thank you.  

So, above is the before...

...and here it is after!

If you look in the first photo, you can see the branch on the old tree that goes down diagonally, to get a frame of reference for how much was cleared.  Quite a difference!  

Here is another angle of more clearing in that area. 

Above is before...

...and this is after!  WOW!  So much more space now and it's just less "stressful" to look at, ha. 

Barnabas (named because it looks like something from a gothic story) now stands alone!

This was before they finished and cleaned up.  I had to go ahead and leave as they were staying until dark and I needed to get back to town to beat the traffic.  They also worked on the other side of the property near the power lines to clean that up and get some trees and branches away from those lines.  I left before they finished that part, so I don't have the 'after' photos but we'll post those as a part two after I get some new photos this coming weekend.

Hope your Thanksgiving plans are coming along!


  1. Wow! They really cleared things out! It looks so much better! Do you have any idea as to how old Barnabas might be? He looks like an old-timer!

    1. We don't know the age, but a guy who was working out there once doing something else for us said it was probably a 100 years old, give or take, judging from the trunk. Thanks, things are so strange and clear, my mind races at the possibilities!!

  2. What a Big difference it made. It helps when a person has the right equipment to clear areas like that.
    That chipped up wood is good for mulching. Being it was chipped, having small pieces it would break down quickly and help to improve the soil and protect the roots of your fruit trees once the temperatures get colder.
    We woke up to 38 deg., this morning but should get into the mid 50's
    Enjoy your day and wishing you and 2nd man a Very Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving.

    1. Oh yes, they had all the right stuff (including something I got to experience as a once in a lifetime chance, post on that coming soon!). He gives away the mulch for free and said when we get the house build and are ready for chips, just let him know, he'll bring us all we need. Thank you so much!! Blessings back you both and your family!

  3. Hackberries do have an interesting bark and don't get all that tall. Look ...ther is a field over there, better wildlife watching and air flow for the house. Sunshine as well.
    Hope you didn't get too wore out watching?

    1. The ones we had were pretty tall but I guess maybe not as tall as an oak, ha. But tall and thin and one had already fallen. We thought about the wildlife etc and the air flow is something important as well. And sunshine is always nice, ha.

  4. Such a difference with the clean-ups. It looks so much better and you gained more useable areas that you can enjoy.

    1. Crazy different! And way more space now and my mind is racing and the potential of it all. Patience, I have to remind myself, patience, ha.

  5. Happy Thanksgiving!


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