Thursday, November 21, 2024


One of the other things they have to do is design the new septic system that will go with our house.

We got the plans via email the other day, printed them out and looked at them compared to the property.  That wooden stake in the above photo is where the "tank area" will go (see further down).

This shows where the house will be in relation to the septic tank system (next image).  The blue circles are the radius of where the water from the spray heads will reach.

They told us it was safe to plant trees and bushes in the area but not a garden, ha.  Of course, our garden will be elsewhere, so no issue there.

We will have three tanks.  A 500-gallon pre-treatment tank, a 500-gallon aerobic treatment and a 750-gallon pump tank (where the pop-up sprinkler heads will spray water when full).

We also learned that the pop-up sprinkler heads are purple, that's required by law to make it know that it is non-potable water.  Of course, I'm worried about mowing over them, so I might have to plan some sort of decorative planting area around them.  We'll see!

This is from the PDF that they sent to help us understand how all of this will work.  To be honest, we're still a little confused about it all, but 2nd Family at the front has the same type of set up.  She said it has worked great and no issues with the spray heads.  Except when there is a freeze, then there is a great Winter ice show, ha.


  1. Wow, that is quite a bit different system than we have here in Northern CA. We just have a 1500 gallon tank and about 150' of underground leach line. A totally different system than yours. We do have to pump out the tank every 5 years or so, though. Your system is a LOT more complicated than ours, and needs a lot bigger area. Good thing you have a large property that can handle it.


  2. A Winter Ice Show - a great side benefit!

  3. I have never heard of anything like that. So, if your cannot plant a garden there, I suppose you cannot plant a nut or fruit tree? Can you cover the purple things before a freeze to minimize damage? Do they have a recommendation for avoiding damage?
    Where will you put the orangery?

  4. That is like what the company put in for us a few years ago. The original one that was in the ground when we moved to where we are now, was a fiberglass tank and over the years, the tank was sinking and breaking up( to the point that we couldn't get the chlorine tube out to add the septic tablets in; so few years ago is when they put in a new (cement) tank. Back in the day, this used to be nothing but pasture ground at which time they put in fiberglass septic tanks on this community.
    With our new system; we have our system set on a timer to have our sprinkler heads to go off in the early morning hours; (between 2 & 3 AM).
    Our bacteria tablets I flush 1 tablet down the toilet around the 1st of every month. At that you don't want to use any water going down the drains for at least for a few hours, which is a good time to go to town and run your errands or drop a tablet when you go to bed. The bacteria tablets have to have sometime for them to do it's think.
    Have no garbage disposal with a septic system, which means NO food items going down the drain.
    Our sprinkler heads are below ground level just a bit, so no problem mowing over the top. If you're concerned about running over them, just paint a stick white and put a stick by each sprinkler head or use a small section of pvc pipe, or flag (wire coat hanger with a white rag tied to it) the area; just to see where your sprinkler heads are located when it comes time to mow.
    I know; it's A Lot to think about and remember.

    On last note; when buying chlorine tablets; Remember to use septic tank chlorine tablets only and NOT swimming pool tablets.
    As for toilet paper; make sure it says; Septic Safe on the package.
    Every 3-5 years you may need to have the tank pumped out.

    Until next time; Enjoy your day and have a wonderful weekend.


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