It's time for the "Friday Food Debate" where we tackle some of the burning questions of the culinary world...LOL!
This week, the burning question is:

Mac and cheese...perhaps nature's most perfect food item. Sigh. It's among my most favorite things. I like it ANY way it's cooked. But for this debate day, I did some Googling and found that there is a debate about this wonderful dish. And that is what do you use to eat it?
Apparently there are two schools of thought. Some people use a fork to spear the noodles and eat it up.
Others use a spoon to get the noodles and every last bit of cheesy goodness.
According to an online poll we saw, 72% use a fork. The rest use a spoon. In our house it's mostly a fork. In the interest of full disclosure though, our set of flatware included SPORKS! Yep, we have nice, stainless steel sporks to eat with if we choose.
But let's not include that in this debate. do you do mac and cheese?
Fork or spoon?

Mac and cheese...perhaps nature's most perfect food item. Sigh. It's among my most favorite things. I like it ANY way it's cooked. But for this debate day, I did some Googling and found that there is a debate about this wonderful dish. And that is what do you use to eat it?
Apparently there are two schools of thought. Some people use a fork to spear the noodles and eat it up.
Others use a spoon to get the noodles and every last bit of cheesy goodness.
According to an online poll we saw, 72% use a fork. The rest use a spoon. In our house it's mostly a fork. In the interest of full disclosure though, our set of flatware included SPORKS! Yep, we have nice, stainless steel sporks to eat with if we choose.
But let's not include that in this debate. do you do mac and cheese?
Fork or spoon?