Monday, October 30, 2023


It was a good weekend.  I went to the farm, didn't need to mow, so I did some small projects and came back.  Saturday afternoon, we had an appointment and then Sunday, we had to go to an appliance place to get some ideas (and did we get some good ones, ha)

I wish I could have gotten a picture, but as I drove down the driveway, there was a deer, a decent sized buck, just standing there (this was early morning).  As soon as he saw me, he bounded off into the trees.

It was a beautiful reminder of the nature around us.

The grass has greened up nicely with our recent much needed rains.  Still a few dry spots in the yard, but it has all filled in nicely.

The last gasp of Summer is hanging on as there are still a few purple flowers on the Vitex bushes.  It was a nice day and I did a some projects, measuring a few things and came back in the afternoon.  Sunday was a warm day with scattered showers.

But check out our forecast:

Lows in the 30's midweek!  Of course, it is Houston, so it's back up to 80's this weekend, ha.  But with the cold weather blast, the grass will stop where it is for the season and I'm OK with that.  It's short and mowed.

No freeze in the forecast, thank goodness.

According to the weather almanac, the farm area for average frost is December 8th to February 18th.

That'll give me time to get our plants ready, the ones on the porch that need to be inside where it's a little warmer.  Can't believe we're already to THAT time of year but, here we are.


  1. Cold, windy and wet here.
    Under Freeze Warning here for time being. It's in the mid 30's at the moment; (9:45am)
    Was 41 deg when I got up this morning but temperature has dropped to mid 30's.
    Dug out my winter parka along with my sweaters and sweat pants this morning.

  2. Over Saturday and Sunday, we got 7 inches of snow up here in S. CO. This morning it is sunny and going up to 46° ... the snow will be melting!!!

  3. we have freeze warnings for the next few days. after all of this hideous heat wouldn't you know that halloween is going to be in the 30's, we might see snow! and here i sit with 180 treat bags. i hope the kids brave the cold weather!

  4. What a beautiful surprise, seeing the deer, when you arrived at the Farm.
    Your expansive green lawn looks so pretty and inviting. Probably inviting for the deer also.
    I went outside for awhile this afternoon and did a few things in the garden and it was downright chilly!
    I thought about making a fire in the fireplace but it looks like the next 2 nights will be even chillier, so I’ll wait.
    Cold weather is not my favorite, so I’m looking forward to the warm-up in a few days.
    I had my first fresh salad from my garden’s lettuce. I added some red cabbage leaves and rainbow Swiss chard for color. Beautiful and delicious!

  5. Your forecast looks like ours except with no rain. It has been in the 80s for the last few weeks, even up near 90. And, it turns cold for Halloween. Boo on that.

  6. 🎃👻 Happy Halloween! 🎃👻

  7. Hi 1 & 2. Hope you aren't freezing yet ... we've been down in mid/low 20s at night already here in Mount Vernon WA. Just a couple of thoughts on either cooktop or range ... I sure wish I had gotten Induction cooktop and oven with fan .. can't remember that name at the moment ... I had the fan oven last time and really liked it. We've found gas cooktops or ranges to be much slower cooking than Induction. Just my 2 cents!! Good luck!!

  8. Happy Halloween! 🎃
    Have a boo-tiful Halloween! 🎃


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