Friday, September 6, 2013


With cartoons anyway....I got an email from a cartoonist that informed me I had used his cartoon without his permission and he asked that I take it down.  I had posted it because it was sent to me and it didn't have a name on it so I didn't know who to credit.  I told him that I have a disclaimer that I will take down or credit the owner in any photo but he reminded me that no one can put up anything that they didn't create without permission.

Of course I took his down immediately as I said I would.  I also told him that about 97% of what I post is my own stuff and that almost all the rest I credit to whom they belong and get permission (for example, Southern Living, they allow use of their photos as long as you credit them as the source).  There are just a few items I don't know the source of.  But alas, apparently on images like those cartoons, it's not legal to post it.

So I went back through and removed all the Friday Funnies that I posted that had cartoons (I might have missed a few but I'm still sorting through them).  I don't want to have anyone else get upset.  It's sad in a way because on the one hand, I think humor is universal and it's fun to share something funny that made you laugh, with others.  It's like when you get an email cartoon and mail it to everyone on your list, and people tell you that it made their day or they laughed for 5 minutes...but in the end, I understand.

So, I'll save the feature for something occasionally that makes me laugh like a joke I hear or a story that I thought was funny or something funny that happened to us.

Still, have a fun Friday, we've almost made it to the weekend.


  1. What a sad world we live in. I loved your
    Funny Friday cartoons, and I never once gave you the credit for creating them. I, as I'm sure you do, publish words and pictures for all to enjoy and share. One of the bloggers I used to follow quit blogging completely, because she was actually sued for using a photo she had found on line! She didn't say how much she settled for, but it did hurt her family financially. Every now and then I use a cartoon or a graphic that I find through Google Images, but I guess I should stick to 100% my own work.....then try to get rich by suing anyone and everyone who "borrows" from me.

    1. I know, I just wanted to share a little humor that was related to farm living and gardening and other things that we could all related to. I think I might have to do the same for the occasional photo I use. I told him about 98% of what I have is my own stuff. It makes me wonder about Pinterest? How is THAT legal?

  2. oh good in all aspects of life, blogs have their share of A** holes. i loved your cartoons. i guess your posting his cartoon caused him to not make millions...good grief!

    1. Well in all fairness, he was very nice in his request and I do understand it's his (though the cartoon I found didn't have a name on it, someone else had erased it somewhere along the way). I did just randomly find it and if I knew who it was was going to credit and link back to their site but he wanted it taken down so I did.

      I will miss it, I always like a laugh on Friday before the weekend but never fear, I'm coming up with a new idea for Fridays. :-)

  3. Replies
    1. Me too, but I'm formulating something similar but new (and mine, ha)

  4. Well that stinks! As long as credit is given why does it matter. If it is on the internet , it will be used. I try to always provide a source or link back to the original owner but sometimes it is not possible. For a cartoonist he sure has a crappy attitude!

    I am gonna miss Friday Funny :-(

    1. I think you'll like what I come up with. We might still have a laugh on Friday (and maybe an awww or two).

  5. That's too bad that they were so adamant, but many images are taken without permission are used to make money. You were not doing that, but we all pay for other's actions I guess. I'm sure you will think of something great for Fridays!

    1. I totally understand and definitely don't make money, ha. Yes, out with the old and in with the new. I have a fun idea for Friday. :-)

  6. JUST read your comment about the "two men and a little truck" link . I made the correction and I am so sorry! Yes, I know you guys are the little truck :0) love your blog! I just read your comment form!!! xo,

    1. Ha, you are so sweet, thank you. I knew it was just a typo. I am on bloglovin, I think I am at least, ha. I GET a bloglovin email every day with my blog lists I follow on it but not sure if I did everything right for me to be on there with our blog?


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