Thursday, November 10, 2022


2nd Man recently did some volunteering at one of the Habitat for Humanity retail stores here in Houston.  I dropped him off and roamed about for a bit in the store.  That's when I saw these chairs:

They were two older chairs that someone had changed out the seat covering.  But instead of using fabric with a design as one might expect, they used burlap coffee sacks/bags.

They looked cool.  I wasn't shopping to buy them of course, just saw them and thought "that would be fun do with an old chair or two sometime" and took a couple of pictures.  We just so happen to have a couple of chairs in storage (waiting for space) that belonged to 2nd Man's parents.  They were part of their dining room set.  Somehow the chairs all got separated, or different family members took a few each.  Anyway, we ended p with two.  We always thought they would make nice chairs in an entryway/foyer and now, with something like this we could do with them, it would really make them stand out.


  1. Those chairs are Awesome. Wish I had been there as I would had bought them on the spot. From what I can see of those chairs, the backs look like the ones I have in my dining room. I have a dining table that will seat 10-12 but only have 4 chairs.
    Love the looks of the burlap fabric.
    A person can never have 2 many chairs; especially with a large family.
    People go for them type of chairs, so I know they won't last long.
    Enjoy your weekend.
    We have rain moving in late tonight and early morning hours and then cold front moves in.
    Did manage to get our yard mowed yesterday.

    1. Late to getting to reply tot his. But yeah, it might have been a good idea to pick them up, I think they were about $25 each. But we'll find more later. Plus I know we have two from his parents that this would be perfect for.

  2. I LOVE the chairs! Such a great idea.

    1. Isn't it cool? I'm going to try this out one of these days.

  3. I love that. At some point, my dining room chairs will need to be recovered. Even if they don't need it, I sure like that idea. Maybe it will happen in my house.


    1. It certainly would be durable for sitting on. That's why I took pics, so I could remember what it was and what it looked like later if I attempt it.

  4. very cool. and so easy to do too!

    1. Yes, I've changed the fabric on chairs like that a few times over the years and you are right it's easy. Not sure how easy burlap is to work with like that but it shouldn't be too bad.

  5. People can be so creative. I have a coffee sack as wall decor in my office and it covers the circuit breaker box. That's as creative as I can get.

    1. Right? It's hard for me to come up with an idea but once I see one, I can often do it. We'll try this one of these days. Side note, we have a picture at the apartment hanging over the breaker box. You'd never know it was there. :-)

  6. That is such a fantastic idea! Those coffee sacks make a really unique and eye-catching seat covering. And the entry way is the perfect spot for a chair or two – they make a great landing/take off spot.

    1. It would be a good idea in a foyer. I think if we have a foyer sometime, ha, we'll have to do something like this too.


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