Thursday, November 3, 2022


We frequently use something in our meals that we realized some of you may not have heard of.  Indeed, we've gotten a few comments over the years about it, even a few emails asking about it.  If you like Mexican food (or TexMex in these parts) you already know exactly what it is.

You can buy it already made and they do all the work for you but you pay a premium for that (and sacrifice a bit of fresh taste).  These containers are $4.98 and you get about one cup amount in each container.

We make it most of the time because it's so inexpensive and doesn't require that much time.  The batch we usually make is made with 5 or 6 small to medium sized tomatoes, 1 bunch of cilantro, 1 white onion, the juice of 1 or 2 limes, 2 jalapeño and 1 serrano pepper.

Side note, we often buy fresh but these are some of the ones we froze recently (for this kind of purpose) and why we like to have them on hand.  It's really to taste, if you like it spicy use more, if you want it really hot, use a different pepper.  If the jalapeños are hot, we'll cut back but these were not as spicy and so we added a serrano pepper.  Again, all to taste!

We put the chopped peppers in a bowl and chop the onion.  Again, this is personal preference but we love onion so we use it all (it was also a small one) but you could use less or more depending on what you like.

Next, we mince up the cilantro.  We know cilantro is not beloved by all (there is apparently a genetic factor that makes people think it tastes like soap, we have a friend like that) but thankfully we love it.  We add it to the onions and peppers.  Then we chop up the tomatoes, add a little salt (to taste) and we drain them so the end result is not super wet.  Here we have them in a small mesh strainer.  Mix all together.

Lastly, we squeeze in the juice of one or two limes and taste to see if it needs anything else.

Mix it all together and enjoy!  We end up with about three cups or so each time.  This batch was $3.31 to make.  Definitely a better deal.

We eat it frequently.

It's good with some chips by itself and we'll also mix it into scrambled eggs and/or put it on sandwiches.

Here we did both.  Scrambled eggs mixed with pico and then we added bacon, avocado and cheese and made a sandwich.  We've even been known to just put it on the side of a dinner plate as something for a fresh taste.


  1. That is exactly how I've always made mine. If you're out of limes, a lemon will do also. It is so fresh and tasty I wouldn't buy premade.

  2. Yep, 3 in our family have that gene and it really makes cilantro taske like soap, Our older son loves it and the gene missed him.
    I hadI hadn't thought of havind pico de gallo on eggs.
    Sorry for the typos: I cannot see what I'm typing as it is white text on white background. Bother!

  3. Oh that made me crave some. I haven't made a good batch in years.

  4. I am a cilantro hater ... blech! However, I do like pico, so I will tolerate a small amount!

  5. Tommy eats pico on a wrap and sometimes on a salad.

  6. Is pico de gallo a type of salsa? Or what's the difference between salsa and pico de gallo? I made and canned salsa a few years ago and I feel like the recipe was basically what you have here. Is it just a linguistic thing (I think salsa is also Spanish for sauce)? Or is this one of those philosophical questions?

  7. I love pico and rarely buy it but when I do I consider it worth the money to have someone else dice the darn tomatoes! Not my forte'!

  8. You can’t beat the fresh taste of homemade Pico de Gallo! Your last picture of the sandwich with scrambled eggs, pico, bacon, avocado, and cheese looks sooo delish!

  9. IIRC, doesn't "salsa" simply mean "sauce"? No matter what name you call it, pico de gallo, uncooked sauce, or fresh salsa, its proper pronunciation is whatever your favorite yummy sounds are. (how does one type yummy sounds?). I've been known to eat it with a spoon.
    I used to not like cilantro. Something has happened in the last 5-10 years now I do. Also blue cheese & green olives are not so repulsive now. I still don' t like them in large quantity, but in small amounts they add a bit of that something that would be missed if left out. Still can't abide vile nasty starchy canned peas though!

  10. Looks Fantastic.
    Well, our storms are moving in. Having Very Heavy rainfall at the moment and also under a tornado watch along with 60mph winds and possible chance of hail until 8pm. Lots of thunder in the area so think I will be shutting down the computer.
    Everyone in line of these storms; Stay Safe.


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