Tuesday, November 21, 2023


It was a weird weekend of weather.

Kind of cool, kind of warm, overcast, then sunny, then strangely cloudy and sprinkling rain.  Just one of those times when it's deciding if it should be Fall or Winter or heck, even Summer.  It made for a very "blah day".

There was something fun to see:

Our "Gogi berry" bush is covered in tiny berries, while it's growing in the original container on the porch.  They still have a way to go before they look like they should be ready for harvesting but hey, it'll be a fun one to plant once we figure where it should go.

With the recent rains, everything has greened up nicely.  I "could" have mowed the grass but that blah feeling was permeating everything I didn't feel like it, ha.  This weekend though is the nice long weekend and so I'll go out there and mow one last time this season.  I could probably skip it but we want to clean up the driveway etc because we have someone coming to check out some things for us and we'd like it looking neat and tidy.

Yesterday was fighting the grocery store crowds to get the things we need for the next week of eating, ha.  It was crowded but moving quickly at the H-E-B that I go to at lunch.  I got everything we needed so that was good.  Let the cooking begin, ha.


  1. I really hate those kinds of days. We had a few along with first rain in two months, ending drought.
    Last Tuesday or Wednesday, you would have thought it was Christmas Eve in Publix. It was soooo crowded.

  2. Was cloudy, damp, cold and windy for most of the day.
    The wind has died down some. but it's to get down in the 30's for tonight.
    Staying in where it's warm.
    Have a great evening

  3. are you cooking in town or at the farm? i've been cooking/baking for days!

  4. Your Gogi berry is pretty with the little red fruits on it. It will be so interesting to see what they look like later.
    Your yard looks nice but your one last mow will be a good idea since it’s still green and slowly growing.
    I picked about a dozen persimmons that the squirrels and mockingbirds kindly left me. I like them when they are still a bit crunchy.
    With the cool front that moved in last night, it was quite chilly today. Winter is starting to creep in.


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