Tuesday, November 7, 2023


I always move the hose when I'm done watering the fruit trees and usually coil it up neatly.

The week before, I just put it all in a pile because I was tired.  I came out this next weekend and reached down to grab it...and that's when I saw it.  You see it the photo above?  Here, let's get closer:

At first, I thought it was a live snake and my heart skipped a few beats.  Then I realized it was the shed skin of a snake, about three feet long.  I had been about to reach under the house to get the sprinkler head where it had fallen, but I decided it would be better to use a rake to grab the hose and pull it out instead of sticking my hand under there.


  1. Nope I wouldn't touch that either.

    1. Right? Did not want to take any chances. At. All.

  2. Getting the rake was probably a very good ideađź’ˇ! I am not a big fan of creepy, crawlies nor flying ones either!

    1. Yep, I hear ya. The rake is one that I use for purposes like this, ha.

  3. I had a rock garden. I would not reach between the large rocks for love nor money.

  4. No Thank U. I wouldn't get near it with a 10 foot poll; then again 10 footer still probably wouldn't be long enough. Just be careful when going in the house

    1. Yes, it's somewhere around there. I'm all for them keeping the mice population down but just stay in your area and leave us to ours, ha.

  5. When still on our farm I once found a huge snake skin in our chicken run and it did panic me until I noticed our hens having a picnic of the snake which they had killed. But I was so freaked that I just tossed the eggs for a few days.

    1. Oh wow, that's interesting. Well they ARE descended from dinosaurs after all, LOL!!!!!! Chickens - 1, Snakes - 0. ha.


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