Saturday, March 30, 2024


We were both off yesterday so it was a good day to head to the farm and do some things out there and then have the rest of the weekend for relaxing and a little planning, which is what we are doing today and tomorrow!

It was a GORGEOUS day.  Cool, breezy and mostly clear.  Time to hop on Zen Machine 2.

Almost an hour and a half, I skipped some of the farther trails because it was still a bit wet in some spots and I was NOT going to get stuck...been there, done that...three times, ha.

When it was done, it was beautiful as always.  Such a relief to see it neat and tidy.  We moved some stuff around in the house and 2nd Man inventoried some of his kitchen stuff while I did a few things in the yard.

I took the truck for a spin and parked it and that was about it for the day.  We headed back into town.

Quality time on the Zen Machine and both of us together at the farm is always...

...a good day!



  1. Most of my days are good except when they are bad, such lovely photos

  2. I see the grass is greening up. No, you definitely don't want to get stuck again. I showed Tommy the report your machine produces. He was impressed.

  3. The pictures of the red barns with the green grass and blue skies are beautiful.
    Glad you got some good Zen time on your mower. The yard always looks so nice and peaceful after your mowing - like a beautiful park.


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