Thursday, January 16, 2025


With all the cleared areas around the yard now, the grass hasn't filled in so after a rain, when the ground is soft, we get tracks!

These look like maybe a raccoon?

And we're thinking these are deer tracks?

And this is Bigfoot...oh wait, KIDDING.  Alas, this is a stock photo, but who knows what we'll discover.

It will be fun when we're out there to get one of those "animal tracks of Texas" booklets and learn some tracking of whatever creatures are passing through.

Found this, it's pretty cool.  These would probably be what we see out there. Well, maybe not the BEAR, ha.


  1. Most common tracks.

    I doubt very much that you won't see any Bison tracks either.
    You just may have to set up a trail cam on the electric pole or on of your fruit trees just to see what critters that are taking short cuts through your yard.
    Enjoy your day and have a wonderful week. Stay warm.
    Going to have yet another artic blast of freezing temperatures come this weekend.

  2. It's interesting to see who visits one's property. During daylight hours we see deer and the neighbour's ginger cat. At night we find the large prints of elk. This is the first winter we have had them although they live in the area. We have deer proof fencing but the elk are too much for it. They had a wonderful chomp on my veggie garden in the Fall and continue to strip the leaves of my roses. the bear wanders around when he feels like it, day or night. We are so used to him and him to us it would be easy to let our guard down and get too close. We know raccoons come in the night, once one was sitting on the porch when i turned the light on, i don't know who was more surprised. Just a heads up, you are making your new home so lovely all your blog readers will want to visit.

  3. Cool tracks! It will be so interesting to see what else is visiting.

  4. Raccoon prints are alarming…like human hand prints!


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