Monday, January 13, 2025


Look what we got!!

A replacement sun tea jar!

Or "Solar Tea" as it says on the jar, ha.  It was sent to us out of the blue by a very dear friend and was a most welcome post Christmas surprise.  You may remember HERE when our original one was a casualty (one of only a few) of the packing and move to storage.

We had a whole set and had accumulated the additional pieces after my Mom found the original in a thrift store.

We had the jar and then a matching pitcher and five glasses.  After the box dropped, only two glasses survived.  Now, we'll just have to look for the pitcher and a few more glasses.  But hey, the jar was the star of the show and we're so grateful to have it back.

Thank you SO much, we appreciate it!


  1. Oh, so good you have the start of a new set.

  2. How thoughtful. Some people have the knack of being good friends.

  3. What a wonderful surprise from a wonderful friend!

  4. What a wonderful and thoughtful gift.
    Oh, just think, having a nice cold glass of ice tea while sitting on your front porch watching all the wildlife on their comings and goings.
    Enjoy the rest of the week

  5. A friend of mine down the street from us loves whole dill pickles and she buys them in a glass gallon jar. She gifted me two of them and I turned one of them into a sun tea jar for the summer, the other I use as a jar that I make Limoncello all year round.


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