Wednesday, January 22, 2025


 More update tomorrow, but just to let everyone know we survived the great Houston blizzard of 2025, ha.

This was on the balcony 25 stories up.  It was crazy.  

But beautiful!  The entire city stayed home yesterday and mostly today as it melts and becomes black ice on the roadways.  Tomorrow should be back to "normal".

Stay warm and safe!


  1. I am pouting because Mobile about 400 miles south of me got bout 8 inches and we got not even a dusting.

  2. Wow, here in Perth ((W.A) Australia we are going through a HEAT wave…….☀️☀️🦘🦘🦘

  3. The snow on your balcony looks pretty. What did Hobart think about it? I got a couple of inches of snow here. It was beautiful while it lasted. Most of the snow in my yard melted today.


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