Thursday, January 30, 2025


A coworker has a Christmas cactus plant she got as a gift.  A piece of it broke off when she was taking it out of the box and so I thought "let's put it in some water and see what happens".

I brought it home and put it in a small glass, changing the water every couple of days.  

Sure enough...

In a couple of weeks we had roots!  I let them get a bit longer and then put it into some potting soil.

And now it's doing great!  In fact, it's doing so great...

I decided to get two more pieces, repeated the process, and they are doing great as well. 

Here's an image (via Pinterest) that shows what they look like in all their glory.  I'm not sure how long it will take to get this big but it'll be fun to watch them develop.  They like shade and not full sun or heat, so we're kind of thinking these might be nice to let grow on the screened in porch.


  1. These would be great, each planted in a hanging baskets. You will just have to clean up the falling dead blooms.
    Our heavy rain started about 7PM last night and into the early morning hours. Received a tad over 4 inches.
    Have an enjoyable day

  2. I have always wanted a Christmas cactus. I have no idea why I have never gotten one. I always think they are so pretty. Good job.

  3. The need long uninterrupted night hours to flower well. Even lights from windows can have a negative effect.

  4. They are so beautiful! Your propagations were very successful. They will be perfect for your porch.


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